It's been a long time since we could go to a swim meet and be guaranteed to see guys wearing nylon tricot Speedos and even the beach unless a guy "accidentally" happens to be wearing a 100% nylon tricot Aussiebum. Even driving by a military base today you will only see guys jogging in scratchy, cotton-like Supplex / Tactel "nylon" shorts and not the nylon tricot Green Silkies they wear in private. So do us nylon guys just give up? Spend endless hours searching the net for an occasional shot of a guy wearing nylon tricot (who would be that stupid??)! No, we just have to keep our nylon radar antennae up for that occasional shot of some guy wearing some sort of nylon tricot. The stop/replay feature on my cable TV gets used a lot for that reason. That "Summer of Sam" film with John Leguizano wearing his nylon tricot tanks and disco shirts or even that black guy who gets shot (a lot) in "Pulp Fiction" wearing his nylon underwear gets caught on my highly tuned nylon radar system.
It's not just a visual thing. The other day in Macy's I was looking at some shirts and my hand happened to detect some silky nylon. What?! Turns out to be a small selection of double sliding nylon shorts ((Ralph Lauren Denim & Supply) that are a little more "parachute nylon" than nylon tricot but definitely with silking ability--especially if you had some tricot under them. How fast can you run your fingers through a big rack of bb shorts and find the ones where the 2 layers slide over each other? Nike usually seems to have the most and best, but sometimes an off brand or maybe an "accident" happens when 2 layers of nylon are sewn together and slide.
One of our more astute and searcher of new layers of nylon that compliment each other (and his nylon-son-in-training) sent me this link:
Yes, several youtube videos of watching people watching "Game of Thrones." I did some screen grabs and while this white nylon-ish t-shirt looks like it could be a Jenny Gapp custom nylon tricot shirt (that I bought several of), it's probably some sort of thin nylon/lycra dry-fit type. Anyway, this guy (who should be wearing another nylon tricot tank under it, but isn't) is a real stand out and was appropriately named "Captain America." You will notice how often he hooks his thumb(s) down inside his pants while touching his shirt. This could be a subtle way of feeling his tucked in nylon shirt sliding over his nylon underwear--but he could also be a clueless straight who doesn't even know what he is wearing (I would doubt that) .
Train your eye to the drape of nylon, it's whiteness (ideally not shiny) and try not to be too frustrated you can't feel that silkiness sliding over his body. |
Another subtle way of feeling nylon that you are wearing..... |
One of several where he tucks his thumbs inside his pants. Could also be as a way of flexing his pec.... |
The sheerness of his shirt clearly visible here. Wish it could be nylon but..... |
Here he is showing us a peek at his tank under his almost inappropriately too small / tight cotton shirt. |
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Both thumbs going in for a silky feel..... |
Somebody posted this as an ad for Craigslist sex....why isn't there a category for guys wearing their nylon tricot looking for sex inside them? |
Would you catch this rumpled nylon tricot drag suit sticking out from his nylon mesh shorts? |
How about this nylon suit--and the one underneath it? |
Too bad JW has to keep his silky nylon tricot panties hidden under his jeans, but sure appreciate a look once in awhile. |
Is it the Aussiebum tag, the emerging sperm load, the drape and bulge or can you just tell these are nylon tricot? |
Not sure if this will upload or not, but good to see that JW got his hands on some LDS nylon silkies.
Don't give up hope keep those eyes and fingertips ready for that elusive nylon tricot. It's out there!! |