Beyond the obvious visual and tactile sexual stimulation of nylon tricot and its effect on the human male documented for the past 7+ years, there is occasionally an obscure use of nylon that just needs to be documented. Hmmmm, this is sounding very clinical, but you know what I mean. This really is the only purely nylon tricot blog (with occasional diversions into lycra just to pander to those types in the majority). One of the most obscure, difficult to find (as in never) and even regional (Australia) nylon items has got to be the one piece, tank style, lifesaving uniform. Difficult as Mormon nylon garments are for the non-Mormon, they are actually available all over the world and worn by thousands of men with happy, nylon covered cocks daily--my personal version of Mormon heaven, along with multiple, nylon wearing, obedient blond husbands to serve me. Another difficult to find, but occasionally available to the diligent observer, are articles made out of 40-60 year old vintage nylon tricot such as briefs, panties, shirts, t-shirts and pajamas from the pre-lycra, pre-antron, pre-cotton covered crotches and are available for a price on sites like eBay and etsy for those with the money to pay upwards of 50 to 100 times the cost of the original. To anyone with a time machine, buy nylon tricot when you go back to the 60's and 70's!!
Getting back to these Australian lifesaving outfits, I know very little about them. They appear to look like vintage women's one-piece suits, but are not. The older versions came with a "skirt" or privacy shield that was supposed to hide (or minimize) the male bulge. One can also assume that when most male bulges hit sliding layers of silky nylon tricot, they would automatically increase in size and therefore become a distraction to the person who needed saving while wearing this nylon uniform. At the same time that men's bulges needed to be hidden from view, apparently so did the chest area so the design of the outfit seems to have come from a need for modesty, in spite of their scandalous nature when introduced. We seem to have returned to this period of modesty with men entering the water with shorts below their knees, but that's a rant for another day.....
While this soldier wearing a pair of 100% nylon tricot green silkies with his inner panty fully exposed has absolutely nothing to do with Australian lifesaving uniforms, it will encourage you to get through the documentary portion of this blogpost and into the more stimulating pics at the end..... |
With the exception of this one photo, all of the others are from the Ulverstone Lifesaving event / carnival. This particular uniform / suit may not actually be nylon tricot based on the period of the photo. They also used actual real silk and rayon prior to the use of nylon which was held up for almost 10 years because of WWII. This particular style continued, however, when silky nylon tricot was introduced. His modesty skirt is doing absolutely nothing to hide his maleness, and we appreciate that. Further, this extra bit of material undoubtedly could be used to slide over the under, brief holding part when the contents of the brief rose upward into the slideable area. Are you getting this? |
From the size of this crowd, this was a big deal from what looks like to be the mid-70's. Lots of competitors (or just supporters) in the crowd wearing their "regular" nylon tricot Speedos. You can also assume that just about any guy wearing regular shorts would also be wearing a nylon Speedo under it. |
By now, these would all be silky nylon (what they called "Bri-nylon" which was an excellent British made tricot). Again their modesty shields do little to hide anything, but I suspect were used more for getting each other off inside than hiding anything. Imagine 2 or these guys wearing these uniforms sliding around together and eventually shooting their Australian loads into their suits..... |
Not a very happy lot considering they are "forced" to wear these silky nylon tricot outfits to work--at least on special occasions like today. These seem to have lost the modesty skirt, but many times these one piece suits had a front liner that would slide under the outer layer making rapid ejaculation efficient if not mandatory. |
How did these renegades get in here? I do have another blog post planned with more of them but the photo quality is not the best. |
A second question about these suits now that the modesty panels are gone. Do they have some sort of built in brief? If they were just just wearing a regular Speedo nylon suit under them, the waistband wouldn't be that high up. The fact that almost all of their waistbands are at the same height, it makes me think they have an inner brief. Was this a full brief like Ocean Champion's "full circumferential supporter" or just some sort of front panel. Of course the big question is, did they slide over each other? My guess they would have to keep the nylon from bunching up--not unlike wearing a nylon slip over your nylon panty. These guys are a much happier bunch so I'm sure they're enjoying that sliding nylon tricot. |
Looks like some of the same bunch and clearly showing their similar height waistbands on their nylon inner something. Looks like more conventional Speedos with a regular tank top behind them. |
More of the same with the suit 2nd from the left looking extra silky. Sometimes when these suits were being mass assembled, one might accidentally sew the nylon in a slightly different manner that would make them super silky--or it could also just be that batch of nylon. Of the several undred nylon Speedo suits I am fortunate to own, maybe only 3 or 4 were ever sewn with the front panel reversed from it's normal non-sliding side out to being able to slide 2 layers of nylon over my cock without any other additional suits or briefs. |
This group looks even silkier than the last. They are definitely dry, too, so that may account for their silkiness. Wet nylon does not slide--but after you make it wet and sticky inside, it's ok--and it will dry fast for another deposit soon. There is something going on with a waistband inside those suits and I'd really like to know what it is! |
The guy 3rd from the left really needs to go first..... |
So not the best quality photo and not even the best looking bunch, but remember, nylon tricot is the great equalizer when it comes to looks. It's all about the silkiness and getting off inside of it and making your cock happy to explode in it. |
I sure hope this guy is gay or his days are numbered looking that hot wearing those silky shorts..... |
Nice of him to clearly show off his inner nylon panty inside his green silkies like that. Well, actually he didn't have much to do with it but those silkies are cooperating. |
I was never into that show "The Batchelor", but I could certainly get into Andy Baldwin with him wearing 2 nylon tricot suits like that (as soon as they dried off and started sliding again). Why would he need to wear 2 suits under his wet suit anyway? He's just looking to find another guy to silk him off inside his 2 suits. He was stationed here in Hawaii but I never got the chance to help him out. |
Something you almost never see--a guy wearing a slightly too large Speedo like this. At first I thought it was maybe a lycra suit that had lost its stretch, but I think this really is a nylon tricot suit. Plenty of room to get him off inside of it, too. |
YAY, JW, the studly Texan who normally only wears nylon tricot panties and is proud of it, finally got his pair of Mormon nylon bottoms. So here is a little tip, because the Church puts in a cotton panel (clearly visible) inside the fly area, please feel free to violate one of their rules about not wearing anything under your sacred garment. Your cock is even more sacred and does not deserve to come into contact with cotton while wearing an otherwise perfectly silky pair of sacred underwear. Since JW has an ample supply of silky nylon tricot panties, feel free to wear a pair underneath your g's to protect your manhood from the evils of cotton. I'm sure God won't mind. Someday I would like to take out the cotton pieces out of mine and replace it with a nylon one, but truthfully, it's just easier to wear the already provided 2 sliding layers of nylon tricot in the onesie garment and enjoy the added attraction of the double nylon butt flap in the rear. |
This is more of a social commentary photo than a sexual one. There are about 50 panties here that would be referred to as nylon tricot panties or even 100% nylon tricot panties. Yet, each and every one has a cotton crotch or at least something other than nylon. How can something be 100% something, "except" for the part (a VERY important part) that isn't? Second, this is an example of one of the other nylon polluting issues besides lycra. Antron nylon can actually be thicker and silky, but it has come to mean thin, cheesy, and shiny. Yesm you could put on 2 or 3 of these and get off inside them or slide another one over your cock in them, but when compared to how good the vintage nylon (40 denier thickness) was, you could take the approximately $150 spent on these contemporary nylon panties (depending on how good your Macy's coupon was) and buy 2 or 3 (or even just 1) super silky nylon tricot vintage panties on eBay. |
He posted a picture of a new pair he just bought. Not shiny and could be worn to the gym except for the small little lace inserts on each side. If any dude ever asks you about them, just say they are the ventilation ports in your sport briefs. |
This is a picture of a water polo family. I can't even tell if there is a dad in there, but I can't help but wonder how many nylon suits exist between those 4 nylon tricot wearing guys? 12, 20, 30 or more? Wearing 2 nylon suits at a time would require quite a few. Maybe they need a housesitter for a month or so? I'd have their suits all standing up with so many loads in them to welcome them back. Ha, ha, you know me, they'd never see their suits again...... |
This is my idea of successful visual merchandising! While they do refer to them as silk boxers, we do know that they are all actually polyester but they sure can slide and are completely compatible with nylon tricot if you care to mix and match and shoot. Yes, your cock can be fooled sometimes...... I guess if you're going to wear a boxer, at least be able to wear more than one pair and get off inside them. Must have been fun putting these all on for the photo. Wonder which one(s) got his load after? |
I think he has excellent taste..... |
The guy is either going to fuck him or kill him, but at least they will be wearing some nylon. These always seem to be German men who get off with these--but mostly they have shredded them and had sex without them anyway so why bother? |
Funny, hot as this white lycra covered ass is, all I could wonder is why Nike felt the need for so many labels on the waistband? How much information do you really need to know about them and in how many languages? |