Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Mixed Nylon Bag

Technically some of these shiny "dazzle" shorts and shirts are really made out of a polyester and not nylon--so sue me!  It's not as versatile, soft, thin, or sheer, but it's good for "outer wear".  But when you get down to business, you still can't beat nylon tricot for your inner wear and holder of DNA.

The guy in the brown "holy Speedo" goes with the guy a few photos later on this page.  Makes you wonder under what circumstances a guy is wearing a nylon Speedo with a hole in it at a party?  I tried right from the PDF source to get these other photos to not invert or change colors.  I give up.  The last one shows a lucky dickhead about to receive 2 layers of blue Aussiebum nylon--at least that's lucky in my book.  Hope you're lucky in your nylon tricot whatevers, too.

P.S.  The guys in the color inverted photos are wearing outer mesh nylon drag suits.  I include them because if you've ever seen, felt, or worn one, the outer layer does slide over the inner layer.  Have you learned enough on this blog to know what that sliding is good for?  I'm not going to draw you a picture so go back and read some earlier posts.  I'm sure those guys wearing them with their hands touching them know what to do in them.

Stay tuned for more nylon tricot green silkies............the fabric of my life!

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