Monday, July 6, 2009

In case the next post is too insulting........

I think he could do better than cotton boxers under those shorts.  I'd be willing to loan him something nylon tricot of mine..........  Guaranteed he wouldn't go back to cotton boxers.

                                      Back to the bat cave Robin.  We've got work to giving you a vpl under those silky shorts

Nice formation in their uniforms--but I could think of formations more fun (wearing the same uniforms, of course)

                            Just hanging out with the dog wearing our nylon tricot shorts

The guy on the right is in 2 other previous posts wearing his green silkies with other guys wearing theirs--even on the toilet


  1. Terrific last two posts, Dave! Love the nice shiny shorts and, of course, the green silkies! Gotta get that guy in the first pic to ditch those cotton boxers under the shiny shorts. Yes, lend him something nylon tricot to wear--for sure he'd never go back to cotton again. :-)

  2. I've got to agree with you. That first pic is quite nice. Thanks Dave!

  3. Yeah, you figure if he already knows about wearing shiny, silky shorts on the outside, how difficult could it be to convert him to wearing something silky where it counts--underneath? Sometimes guys need a little help in that direction and I'm willing to give them a hand--and besides a hand, some nylon tricot underwear. I'm a nice guy that way.


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