Saturday, October 24, 2009

As Far As I Know, Everyone Should Be Able To Comment

According to the settings, anyone can leave a comment including anonymous readers.  I know some of you have had difficulty leaving them.  I have checked the settings again and they are wide open to everyone.  You can always email me directly and I will address your comment.  Hopefully somebody looks at this blog!  It's ok to just check the anonymous button......I really don't need to know who you are.  Nice, but not necessary.


  1. Hi Dave

    This is the first time I have gotten this screen lets hope it works.


  2. Wow, I think it was because I had been tryng to use my Google account instead of just the Anonymous button.

    I just love your Blog!!! The sight of all those Green Silkies sets my heart beating!!! I also share your sentiment on panties and womens nylon swimwear.

    Keep up the good work - I am sure there are more people out there who possibly tried to comment and could not. Do you have much contact with the others in the Group. I am not sure how this site works with regards communicating with the other members.

    Big hugs Johnnie

  3. Hey Dave,
    Love the blog. Silkies are so hot and you find the best pictures. Thanks.

  4. Hi Johnnie,
    Thanks for your comments and tripling the number of comments I've had in months!

    I think my interest is more in the quality and aspects of the nylon tricot than what the actual article of clothing is. I'm pretty confident in my masculinity so my tastes do vary somewhat more than others. For me it's about personal taste and enjoyment of nylon tricot, not judgement on what the article is.

    Not too much contact with others here. Sorry, no secret nylon orgies at my house every Friday night! lol I've never actually met another nylon guy in person. It's funny, though, we could both consider ourselves "nylon guys" and still have nothing in common. There's a wide range of nylon fabrics and I'm not into all of them.

    So this blog is more of a "focus group" dealing with men in nylon (mostly the tricot kind) and each guy takes out of it what he's into. I've long since given up on thinking there's another guy out there just like me!

    I've got some amazing green silkies to post soon!

  5. Ah Nice site loverlee Images too silkies rule have always loved the shiny stuff :) shame us brits here are ruled by fashion :(

  6. Interesting observation, but mine is that there are more brits on more underwear boards than any other national group. Belated Victorian repression turning to obsession or just a bunch of oversexed men really into underwear? Hmmmmm, either is good. The real mystery to me are the ones who have 200 nylon tricot shirts and wear them over cotton tank tops (vests) along with regular cotton underwear. Oh what a tangled nylon web we weave.

  7. Dave,
    So nice to see you back. I missed you. THanks for the (as usual) amazing posts.

  8. Thanks for a great selection of horny pictures ! Always been turned on by nylon tricot. Just don't seem to be able to get any these days.

    Tim from England,


Everyone should be able to leave a comment including anonymous. You can always email me directly.