Friday, April 2, 2010

YES!! Green Silkies Still Rule! (look up earlier posts if you've forgotten)

Saggers in silkies just aren't the same in the U.S. Marine Corps as they are in the hood. Pull 'em up boy and be proud to be wearing your USMC nylon tricot shorts like the rest of us. You are so not from the hood.
This is one of those "great mysteries of life" photos--why 2 marines wearing their nylon tricot green silkies are reaching inside them when they should be grabbing the goods from the outside. Better yet, the obvious choice, grabbing each other's goods through the nylon. All that poor guy in the middle can do is stare at the camera and smile while inside his heart is breaking because he's stuck in the new scratchy, tactel pt shorts.
I cropped this one closer for me, but it didn't show up in the file. Anyway, proof once again that our marine friends are still wearing their nylon tricot silkies for underwear--which on this marine is all he needs to have a good time.

Do you think we actually believe you'd rather be grabbing your cotton sweats over the silky nylon tricot of your shorts inside them? Give us some credit. Faux Thugs.

Some guys will do anything to keep their dickhead line from showing through their silky shorts--like they're the only circumcised guys in the marines? Wearing those compression shorts under their green silkies is a crime.

Sometimes there is a shortage of green silkies and guys are forced to take a number and wait their turn. That's why you should never let your supply get too low.

This is the kind of medic who could give a heart attack wearing those silkies.

Why such a sour puss, dude. You're just standing there in your nylon tricot green silkies with nothing to do. Why not see how big a sticky stain you can make inside those shorts?

Desperate times call for desperate measures. This is what can happen when you run out of green silkies and are forced to wear your blue ones. Uncontrolable urges to rub your nylon covered cock against another. Well, that does tend to happen in the green nylon shorts, too.


  1. Thanks very much for the updates! As usual, they are SUPERB! It's not just the pictures, it's your very witty comments which are always RIGHT ON. Yes, indeed, GREEN SILKIES do, in fact, still rule! WOW!

  2. Thanks--my only loyal follower! Has everyone switched to cotton or what?


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