Monday, August 13, 2012

Birthday Traditions and a Few Good Men (in nylon, of course)

I started a birthday tradition several years ago--with some years being better than others.  That tradition is to open a brand new package of nylon underwear (usually from the 70's if not earlier) and ideally a top and a bottom and then wear a nylon shirt if working and nylon shorts if not so that I can celebrate in "my" way wearing new nylon tricot.  Don't know what it is about new nylon that makes it even silkier, but it's a fact.  I suppose there are some of you who think it's a terrible thing to open a 40-50 year old package of nylon and wear it.  Maybe you are one of those people who are saving it for "good" as my mother used to say.  I like to save it for my birthday or maybe New Years and then really enjoy how silky it feels while trying not to jerk off into them soon.  As it turned out, I had a couple of other pairs that I'd bought on ebay that were new but I had used inside a few to jerk off with--but they hadn't gotten any sperm on them yet.  So I actually had on 3 pairs that were sliding around all day.  Finally in late afternoon, I just couldn't take it anymore and pumped a big load into the top pair, took a nap, and wore them again later.  They practically slid off my cock they were so silky and rubbed so effortlessly.  Like I always say, "let the nylon do the work," and these guys sure did (again and again through the weekend.

There probably aren't too many of you guys who would think this picture was sexy.  Some old guy holding up his red and white panel 100% nylon Speedo from the early 70's  I found it to be pretty hot.  First, he saved it all these years (although it does appear to be DNA stain free!) .  Lycra came out in 1976 and you're not going to see some guy holding one of those suits since one from that year probably was in the trash before the 80's.  Although he's holding it like it might hurt him, I know for a fact that if he'd take off his other clothes and lay that nylon speedo just like he's holding it over his cock, he could grab it and probably have the best sex he's had in years!

The other interesting thing about this being a color photograph is that the black and white photos that follow are the same suits on the rest of the team.  From a technical standpoint, I always wonder what color the suits actually were in a black and white photo--there weren't that many color choices.  Anyway, I think it's hot to know that all these guys were wearing these red with white panel nylon Speedos in the photo.  Wonder how many of theirs survived?

Yeah, I'd have a smile on my face holding up my old Speedo, too.  Actually, I have a couple of hundred of my old Speedos and I do smile--except when I'm about to shoot a load into them.

I hope he gave that 40 year old silky nylon a better feel than what he's doing in that photo.  It's nice that it survived, but I hope he's still letting his cock feel how good that nylon is--otherwise what's the point?
Here are some of the guys wearing their red and white panel nylon suits--now that we know they are RED!

Sure hope the old guys in uniform have on a pair underneath.  Maybe they had access to the locker room after these guys had to leave them behind when they had to put on their white cotton briefs.  Those big suits would have held their fully extended hard cock and would have been so easy to jerk them off into that nylon.  Sure hope some of them did--otherwise what a waste!

How many of us watched Batman just to see his shiny satin briefs?  Unfortunately those tights would have been between his cock and the briefs--and then they probably had him in some sort of jock.  Actually, a nylon tricot suit would have been perfect.

Well the guy on the left doesn't know how to hold a baseball bat, but the guy on the right does know how to hold his buddies nylon shorts.s

I find this picture more amusing than a turn on.  First it's a lycra suit and second it wouldn't even hold a semi, but he's got a nice bony body that could benefit greatly by having a nylon suit and a sturdy knot!

Found these on X-tube. I think I posted them a long time ago but this new computer and newest  photoshop do a pretty good job of blowing things

I don't know the brand, but I'm guessing they're English.  I'm pretty sure that nylon liner would rub against the solid nylon outer short.  Looks like he might not be cut, but his head would get to feel the nylon when he gets hard in them and it is sometimes easier for uncut guys to cum inside their nylon.

This is such a cute picture.  You know how most straight guys hug, with their butts out so there's no chance of "connecting" in front.  These guys could have their butts out and still probably bump dick heads with that massive load in those way too small suits.  How you going to rub each other back and forth and shoot inside your suit wearing those?  Anyway, it's still a really hot picture.

It really is difficult to not look good in a nylon tricot Aussiebum suit. This ice blue color has to be their best.

Lycra suits flatten most guys out but this guy in his lycra Nike suit must have his wash rag stored inside there.  I wonder if I told him I was a dirty Ford if he would wash me?

No idea what kind of nylon suit this is--but it sure is nylon.  Now just pull it up a bit more, wait for it to dry and I'll have you squirting your load in it in to time--although you may wish the time lasted a lot longer (that is difficult to do once that nylon starts sliding up and down your shaft and over your head)

I'm not sure this really needs a caption.  Maybe his nylon green silkies were in the wash.  I don't think I'd trust lycra to hold up my gun like that--only nylon.  Imagine what kind of PTSD he's going to have when he discovers that you can't dress like this at home?

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