Sunday, December 9, 2012

More Guys, More bulges, More Silkiness, More Reasons to Get off In Yours

Seems strange to think of lycra as vintage, but it did come out in 1976.  I like the way these are pulled up so high and the way he's touching them.  Now let's get going on the DNA stains!

Yeah, happens all the time to me, too

Don't these guys wear cups any more?  Not my nuts that are getting smashed so not complaining.

Not sure what's going on here.  Looks like some kind of nylon tricot suit--maybe even a classic Ocean Champion.  But it looks like he is also wearing some kind of nylon rights, too.

Some sort of mass hysteria tenting going on here?

Both guys wearing really silky looking socks while fucking--what's going on here?  I haven't blogged much about nylon socks, but they are really great to sleep with on nylon sheets besides wearing them around like you're supposed to.

May have posted before but here is Nike trying to get with the Green Silkies look and looking good!  This guy has obviously discovered what happens when guys slip them on.

Why would you take a perfectly happy cock outside of your nylon shorts to pump a load when it would be so much happier staying inside the silky nylon?

Not all vintage is a good thing.

I think another repeat but it does fall under can't have too much of a good thing.

I wish I'd get a Christmas card like  this.  Put on a pair of USMC Green Silkies under your nylon jump suit and get busy.

Love the nylon pants, but that dick makes me want to reach for the mustard and ketchup.

I think Sears sold these tanks along with the briefs to match.  These were nylon replicas of the nylon Olympic suits--the last time nylon won gold medals for swimming--ask Mark Spitz.

I'd sure like to shop at this meat market.  Not much beef on this one.  I'd be checking the nylon shorts first, though.

Those nylon shorts sure look better on him than they did on Richard Simmons.  Looks like he has a nylon Speedo tan, too.  Good boy.  Now combine the two and see what happens.

Wonder how many thousands of guys pulled their first nylon tricot out of a box like this?  First noticed the silky nylon when pulling it out of the box.  Pulled down their white cotton briefs and hung them up in their locker.  Discovered the 2 layers of silky nylon rubbed together when they grabbed the waistband to slip them on.  After pulling them up into place over their cock and balls, wouldn't wait to touch their dick heads to feel that nylon slide.  Then they'd say something like, "Hey, these feel real silky."  Yeah, dude, they do and they are, now see what you can do in them.....

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