Sunday, July 14, 2013

Men Wearing Nylon Unmentionables Part Two--and What To Do In Them (do I really need to tell you?)

It's been 2 days since I posted about men wearing and jerking off into nylon tricot panties.  No riots in the streets (at least not about my post) and the sun still came up this morning so I guess it's ok to continue on to part 2:  The Mechanics of Nylon Panty Ejaculation.  For those of you who can't get over the female association problem, you can skip this because if you didn't get it in the previous post, this one gets a little more graphic.  For the rest of us who can look at a nylon tricot panty objectively as an excellent example of nylon tricot construction and as a major tool of male ejaculation, I continue......

Funny how the end of the classic age of good feeling nylon panties coincided with the end of the nylon Speedo.  By the mid-70's lycra had invaded the Speedo line and cotton crotches and antron nylon (and even lycra) had invaded the panty line.  It was still technically possible to ejaculate into both, but since my cock had been used to the easy sliding of 100% nylon tricot sliding on my now much larger cock (since age 5 when the whole thing fit into a folded over panty crotch), this was a major blow to my personal sex life.  With other guys, the slow decline of nylon leaving the stores meant the slow decline of running into a guy wearing 100% nylon tricot.  Of course this did result in many innovative ways to "re-introduce" a guy to nylon tricot which I have already discussed.

Of course, one of the major advantages of a nylon panty is the complete unobstruction of feeling your hard cock inside.  There are no seams, openings, thick elastic or other obstructions to prevent you from feeling your cock entirely covered by and with nylon.  It is also very easy to wear 1 or more additional layers of nylon over your hard cock which means feeling the sliding nylon around all day under your jeans or eventually sliding the nylon with your hand up and down you shaft, extremely easy, available, and super hot!  Pumping a load into them really doesn't involve any clean up since the nylon absorbs the load and dries quickly ready for the next one.

Of particular interest to me has always ben that double nylon tricot crotch.  As a 5 year old, those 2 layers could be easily folded in a way that covered my entire little cock and made the climax possible--no sperm until 12 to have to worry about.  The panty could just be returned to the hamper or sister's drawer without any tell-tale crunchiness.

The only slight frustration is that apparently the intended target of the double nylon crotch (on a female, sorry), makes it difficult for your cock head to enjoy the 2 layers of nylon.  Not sure what difference it makes since it's just as easy to wear another pair that slides anyway.  For some reason, it was extremely rare that these 2 layers of nylon were ever sewn in a way that the 2 layers slide together--actually, just like a Speedo and it's nylon liner.  The JCP brand "Gaymode" (who could make that up?) and many of the luxury brand Van Raalte did have the nylon positioned so the 2 layers slide together.  One of my fantasies has always been to be wearing a big crotch Van Raalte and have some guy with a big cock head come up and slide his cock between my legs and slide it against that big double nylon crotch and pump a load into it.  Ideally I would be pumping mine into the same pair a little higher up.

The size and shape of the double nylon crotch can vary greatly from brand to brand as seen here.  The better brands had larger, arcing crotches (the "mushroom shape" and the cheaper brands had smaller straighter ones.  The better brands also had inverted seams so there was no hard, raised seam edge that could irritate your cock head--kind of like some of the Ocean Champion nylon suits that would have the raised seam down the middle of the inner suit.  Just always thought it was hot to have by cockhead showing through the double nylon crotch when possible.  Another side point, even if the individual brand crotch didn't slide, putting a Munsingwear crotch against a Lorraine brand would result in much sliding.  Having someone slide them under your balls on your hole or prostate is an amazing feeling--especially when you are about to shoot into them.
This double layers Van Raalte crotch would make a super hot place for a big cock head to unload.  Unfortunately this brand (especially in a larger size) often goes for $2-300 on ebay.  You know these are being bought by guys who know what to do with them.  A pretty good investment on their original $2.00 price tag and still in good shape 40-50 years later!

For some reason, 5 layers seems to work the best for me.  Anymore and the actual feel of the nylon with my two hands can't feel my cock as well and any less seems a little thin.  Truthfully 2 will do the job and in drier weather (when nylon slides better in lower humidity) 7 or 8 pairs will work.  Sometimes I put them in the drier for a few minutes to make them slide better.  As a kid, putting them on a radiator not only made them slide better, but a hot panty (not TOO hot) on my cock practically made it explode on contact.

Sometimes it is possible to get your cockhead down into that double nylon crotch area--at least until it needs to start going in the opposite direction or risk harm to you or the crotch.

Lots of different ways to actually slide those layers of nylon up and down your shaft.   Yes, the technical variations are important!  This is my "hold camera with one hand and nylon with the other" method.  Again, ejaculation is possible by using even one hand to slide those layers of nylon wrapped around your hard cock.  Whether you actually slide the nylon up over your head or just let the soft nylon slide over it on its own, you will still fill them with every drop.  I normally use both hands sliding in alternating strokes.  Maybe because I've been ejaculating into nylon for so long that I need the extra stimulation or maybe I just like both my hands (as well as my cock) to be all feeling the nylon slide. Even better is when it makes that "nylon sliding" sound that some of you know about.  In any case, the end result is always the same and one that you never get tired of.  Stopping to readjust the nylon stretches out the pleasure.  Maybe feeling some of those double nylon crotches at the same time you are guiding the layers of nylon up and down your shaft adds to the pleasure even more.  With some minor adjustment, It's possible to do all of the above on another guy and make him just as happy.  Even better when you combine loads.

The rear view of the biggest standard crotch ever made by Van Raalte, those 2 layers slide so easily and would make another guy's cock very happy feeling the nylon slide over it.  Uncut guys can sort of make it work, but it's really their foreskin that is sliding and not the nylon--although feeling their hot load pump into your crotch won't make any difference to you--and you get a nice souvenir for next time.  Before I forget, this double nylon crotch also has another function.  If you are ever lucky enough to get a guy who has worn his around for awhile, to lower his double nylon covered crotch over your face, you will never forget the feeling or scent.

So still have any thoughts about wearing white nylon tricot panties or briefs?  Just pretend they are 100% nylon tricot Aussiebums since their is almost no difference and these guys don't seem to have a problem.  Also, if you need to introduce someone to your "special" nylon, it's best to start out with something like these or even Players/Jockey nylon briefs.  Then, in the dark, you can always make the switch and they won't notice--except that maybe you both cum a lot faster and harder!
After playing with him in his white nylon tricot Aussiebums, might be time to try something new.....


  1. I would to have long drawn out sex with you!

    I want to soak every bit of nylon you own!

  2. Like to find others near me who would enjoy these pleasurable experiences together.


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