Tuesday, October 1, 2013

October Men in Nylon

Going to have to wind things down again for awhile, but have one more post ready to go soon.

I know I've posted a lot of photos of marines wearing their nylon tricot green silkies for underwear, but this one is so hot with his dress uniform.

Only 1 of them is man enough to show off his green silkies but I'd be willing to bet the other guy has his on under those nylon shorts.

This is either some sort of avant garde photo session trying to make no sense at all or just a bunch of marines hanging out in their green silkies.

It's nice of him to tell us he also has a Hot Rod when all we can see is his hot nylon tricot covered ass.

I wouldn't be posting this except everyone is beautiful in their green silkies.....

Cropped out all the other non-nylon ranger panties, but this one is looking good in his.  Wish I had a kayak paddle as nice as that one.

Another pair of those super silky 70's Dolfin nylon shorts.  Those didn't have a liner but were 2 layers of nylon.  Perfect for wearing your own nylon whatevers underneath and giving us a little peek where the v-notch goes up.

I would loved to have ejaculated each one of these Finish water polo guys to a big, sticky finish in their nylon Speedos.

Is it possible to go wrong with Greeks in nylon tricot?  I think not.

The other half of the Greek Water Polo team from the late 60's.

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