Friday, June 6, 2014

Spend Your Summer in Silkies….Nylon Tricot Green Silkies

Summer is here and a good time to enjoy your green silkies--or any other kind--outside.  These guys enjoy theirs as underwear or just hanging out in if your need any inspiration.  I never need an excuse to wear nylon tricot since I wear it all the time anyway.  Came across some new silkies pics which are getting harder to find now.  I suppose at some point, all green silkies photos have been taken? 

 Also, just found a huge vintage swim website with a lot of guys in their double nylon Ocean Champion Suits.  Speaking of OC suits, the person who is posting all those new, vintage 100% nylon tricot suits on eBay is typical of what people are doing now.  They start all their auction prices at $50 and and purchase at $80 with sizes ranging from 38 to 30.  There will sometimes be a bidding war on a classic pair of size 38 (which is a 34 or 35 in today's size) and they go for over $100 or even $200.  No one is going to pay $80 for a size 30 (actual waist more like 26) which is almost too small to use to jack off into unless you have a really small cock.  Beware on the Ocean Champion (or Ocean Brief or Ocean Pool) because the newer suits with the decal on them usually don't slide and are often the newer Antron nylon.  

It would be nice to think that Dolph was already wearing his nylon tricot shorts when he showed up for this photo shoot--or at the very least wore them home after his wardrobe person told him to put them on.

I always love these spontaneous shots of guys who are already wearing their nylon tricot silkies around for underwear or outerwear.  I think we have seen the guy on the left who is grabbing his silky package before.  Looks like one or two of the guys are wearing their silkies under their flight suits, which makes perfect sense.

Some photos don't need a caption because they can't possibly get any better…..

Posing in his well worn silkies and looking even hotter wearing nylon tricot

"I'd like to talk to you about your insurance needs…."  Really, I'd like to talk to you about getting you hard inside your nylon tricot shorts and liner and making you shoot a big load into them.  He looks so straight and boring just sitting there, but those shorts put some excitement into that nylon covered crotch.

A perfect view before a perfect night starts inside those perfect nylon tricot green silkies…perfect!  Click to see how much more perfect it can become…..

In case someone didn't already know that these were standard issue PT shorts that USMC marines were required to wear (like they needed any encouragement once their dick hit that nylon liner), here is an official logo.  So if they were (are) good enough for the marines to wear for underwear, what's your excuse?

Stuffing beef into nylon tricot makes for a complete dining experience

Your body may or may not look like this, but when you put on your nylon tricot silkies, your body will feel like this regardless of what the mirror is telling you.

This is really an amazing dream…Soffee silkies on sale.  That entire rack would be empty if I ever come across something like this.  However, in your eagerness, make sure you don't accidentally grab the ones on the right which are actually supple nylon which is actually more like cotton.

You don't see the slightly different nylon edging very often, but I think it might be because the shorts may have been bleached by pool water or the sun and the edge material didn't get it.  That inner panty style liner is sure lifting his goods on display.

I'm afraid that this guy might just be wearing these shorts because they make him look even hotter (as they do anyone who wears them), but I get the feeling he would be take them off to have conventional sex and they would just get discarded and forgotten on the floor and not even see any action much less a big sticky load.

It kind of creeps me out when guys turn their waistband under like this, but the fact that he's wearing silky nylon green silkies and  looks up to getting off inside them makes up for it.

Sorry, I'm not so turned on by you grabbing your cock like that and ignoring your nylon tricot shorts--I mean, you might as well be in cotton briefs.  So stuff your manhood back inside those silky shorts and let me show you how to get off inside them if you can't figure it out by yourself.

I hope he's wearing those slightly oversized nylon tricot Ranger Panties because he's looking to get off in them because he really doesn't need to do anything more to enhance his body…at all.

So does this ever happen to you….You're looking at some sort of art work and you feel the need to drop your pants down and show off that you are wearing nylon tricot silkies for  underwear?  It could just be because they can only go so long with wearing nylon on their dicks before they need to pump a load into them--that makes more sense now.

You can almost hear his marine buddy saying, "Get your hands out of those green silkies and start feeling the nylon or I'll have to do it for you….which, of course, he will anyway.

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