Monday, February 23, 2015

The End of My Blog Next Month

Got a notice from google that they will be terminating all sexually explicit blogs next month.  There is some way I can download everything and store it (probably on google for money), but I don't know that it's worth my time to do it.  Truthfully, I have spent way too much time looking for what I have posted--bordering on addiction or obsession and that concerns me.  I don't think it's worth my time to go back and delete anything that I might think google would find "sexually explicit."  So in spite of whatever value I might place on "The largest collection on the internet,"   it looks like the last repository of nylon tricot is about to fade away just like nylon has…..    Download while you can!


  1. damn! Sorry to hear that. I had planned to take up the charge and start posting my vast collection of hotties in nylon speedos, silkies, and the like. Guess I'll be looking for a place to post. Nylon cannot go away like that again ..... I have my stuff from 35 years ago and frequently use it to jack off into. Almost better than sex :)

  2. Thank you for taking the time to share all of this!

  3. For one I shall be sorry to see your blog go I hope they will have a 2nd rethink on this though :) fingers crossed :)


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