Nothing really new to preach about so I will just have to wish you and yours a big explosion in your nylon tricot whatever you are hopefully wearing today....your cock deserves better than cotton no matter what the Cotton Lobby says. And the latest gimmick, they obviously save money in their Chinese sweatshops by not having their prisoners sew on a label, but they make it sound like they are doing you a favor by eliminating them.
One brand that is really under-represented on this blog is Arena. They were huge in the 80's and had a decent nylon suit. Occasionally I would run into a pair that reversed the front nylon panel so it slid under the outer nylon suit. If that wasn't silky enough, they also made matching or coordinating double nylon shorts to wear over your nylon suit--4 layers of silky nylon on your cock head is twice as silky as 2 layers. Hey, I paid attention in math class..... My only complaint is that Arena seemed to embrace Antron nylon (slightly thinner / sleazier) so you really needed those 4 layers to get off best. |
Also under-represented are blacks in nylon suits. Of course they are under-represented in the whole world of swimming in general. This looks like it could be a Turbo suit, however, so maybe he has some other real nylon suits in his locker--unless I got there first! |
Any guy looks better wearing some shiny nylon even though it's probably silky polyester. Sometimes the underside of the top will slide over the shorts and sometimes not. In any case, if you are wearing something like this and so is your partner, you should have no trouble emptying your load into them..... |
Ever watch a guy who is sitting down wearing "dazzle" shorts and see him sort of unconsciously start to feel the silky fabric with his fingers? Kind of like he's not really supposed to but he just can't resist--like anyone could? |
Thanks for showing us the inside of your nylon top--oh, I mean your body..... It looks like it would slide on ver your shorts. Once your cock gets large enough, it should be easy to get you off just under that wide waistband sliding your shirt--unless you are already wearing something silky under your shorts to begin with--something I always recommend. |
It's almost like he's wearing some sort of lingerie and we can see through his sheer, outer singlet. I kind of like all those seams and double crotch panels, but truthfully, when it comes to feeling and sliding nylon (ok, this is all lycra), smooth and seam free is ultimately best--but this is still hot even for being lycra. |
Also great under-represented is the 100% nylon tricot tops and bottoms that track teams wore for about 10-15 years. Dolphin and others made perfectly silky nylon tricot outfits for thousands of track teams across the country. Always good to get guys into nylon tricot ASAP and this was a good way to do it. The problem was, of course, if they wore something under their nylon shorts (which usually had a liner) and it wasn't nylon. |
Of course, being on the track team you could run, but it was difficult to hide any boner you happened to get while wearing your silky nylon tricot shorts like this. Rarely did the liner happen to slide under the outer short, but this would obviously be the result if it did.... |
I can't say I haven't seen more attractive models with slightly smaller shorts, but I guess this was about a-sexual advertising and not about guys enjoying feeling or looking at other guys wearing 100%, silky nylon tricot outfits. Of course, Richard Simmons did sort of ruin the turn-on factor of striped nylon shorts..... |
I guess if you ever wondered what was behind the 8 ball, here is your reward..... Probably stretch nylon, but like I always say, if they are already wearing something like this, you should have no trouble getting them into something larger or at least something silky sliding up and down the erect shaft when it ultimately grows out of those bikini briefs..... |
See, that "awkward moment" when your nylon tricot wearing buddy jumps up in your arms and your fingers accidentally slip right into his crack is not so awkward after all. |
I think I may have posted this before, but didn't notice what looks like another set of drawstrings tied at his waist. This Truwest polyester suit is already about the silkiest suit made since 2000 and any nylon anything put over it would slide your cock into a major explosion, but could he be wearing 2 of these ultra silky suits??!! Think he could arrested in 37 States for doing something like this because his cock would require almost constant emptying with those 2 suits sliding over each other with every breath he takes.... |
No reason to have wrinkled nylon tricot underwear like this. Ironing from the inside with a hot rod and some sticky starch will eliminate all wrinkles..... |
Love seeing the early stages of an erection inside 2 silky layers of nylon tricot...also, double layered nylon crotches retain and give off the most incredible man scent if you are ever lucky enough to bury your nose in one (on or off a man's body). |
I don't think I've ever seen a nylon Puma anything, but these look pretty good. They appear to be wet, which, ironically for a nylon swim suit, renders them temporarily "un-silky" until they dry off. A tip I haven't mentioned in awhile is something I discovered very early on in my nylon tricot ejaculation career.....heating nylon tricot (on a radiator over a towel or in a dryer) makes a silky pair of whatever you are planning on using to slide up and down your shaft, even silkier. The other things that happens is when your already hard, throbbing, and waiting cock is begging for release into the silky nylon, that sudden heat (not TOO hot) of nylon encircling your shaft and sliding even silkier and faster than ever is probably similar (but less damaging) to what Ecstasy does to your endorphin receptors in your just explodes out faster than you can imagine.... |
I didn't know they were wearing their sheer nylon body suits off the shoulder this season, but his shaved cock doesn't seem to be that excited over it..... |
And matter how you look at them, wearing silky nylon tricot is the best no matter how you do it...... |
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