This is the time of year when real nylon tricot men are planning on their nylon tricot Halloween costume--the one day of the year when you can go out in public head to toe in silky nylon and no one can say anything about it. Here in Honolulu, we have the biggest, greatest, completely unpromoted and unreported Halloween you can imagine on an island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. Tens of thousands of people descend on Waikiki (which is normally avoided by local people) and "walk" (barely moving) on Kalakaua Avenue into the early hours of the morning--even later when it's on a weekend. I've gone out in everything from a nylon tricot Mormon garment to last year's "nylon tricot ghost" wearing a large piece of nylon tricot (it comes 108" wide at the fabric store) wearing even more nylon under it. All those crowds wind up grinding against my nylon and it slides all over me. Want to wear nylon panties instead of your Speedo, no one cares, go ahead. Nylon toga party, nylon track I really need to tell you how to dress in nylon on a nylon blog?
Other groups of men take to the streets at other times of year to promote various causes wearing nylon as well. At least they should be wearing nylon. All those Santa Speedo Runs might as well be called "Red Bikini Runs" since most aren't Speedos and definitely aren't NYLON even when they could and should be. You can read dozens of past blogs with my complaints that the average Speedo guy isn't even aware what nylon tricot is and many even think lycra is nylon...ok, don't get me started....
Another once a year cause involves men wearing high heals and walking around the block (painfully) to promote men against domestic violence. I suppose getting men to suffer walking around in high heels is easier than getting them to walk around more pleasurably in nylon tricot panties instead. Ironically, as you think what straight, red-blooded American man would ever walk around the block in public wearing nylon tricot panties, enter the USMC. They are having "Silkies Walks" to promote (very worthwhile) causes regarding wounded veterans in need. So, please enjoy these marines walking around and showing off their nylon tricot green silkies (formerly worn for PT and now for underwear and worthwhile causes--including ejaculation, of course) that consist of an inner nylon tricot panty / liner / brief and an outer pair of shorts. For some reason these are made so that the outer nylon short does not slide over the inner liner, but they are already so silky (as most of you should already know) that having the nylon layers sliding over your cock every time you move would really be a problem. The problem being "silky pops" which is what they call solving the problem of getting a hard on while wearing them--which, of course, is one of the reasons to wear them in the first place.
So without regard to age, build, gym membership, sexual preference, or marital status, these former warriors / heroes have no problem with parading in public wearing nothing but their green silkies or Ranger Panties (black nylon). Sound too good to be true? Pictures don't lie.....
Ok, I do need to explain that not all green shorts are Green Silkies. The guy on the left appears to be wearing the new, "PT approved" shorts which are technically made out of nylon but it's that cotton feeling tactel or supplex version. They might as well be cotton and should be avoided. Another disclaimer is that the guy with the "Marines" on his shirt appears to be wearing some form of underwear (probably cotton or lycra) under his silky nylon tricot thus depriving his exterior manhood parts of the whole point of wearing green silkies in the first place. The real hero here is the guy who dropped his jeans to show that he is wearing his silky nylon shorts for underwear. If that does't cause a silky pop, not sure what would. |
I know they are marching for a cause, but they are also marching in their nylon tricot silkies and that is cause enough for me to have my own silky pop. |
Looks like there are 2 guys who are denying their manhood parts the real enjoyment of wearing nylon tricot silkies out in public. Maybe they are just afraid of what might happen if the nylon tricot had unrestricted access to their dickheads? |
I'm guessing the guy on the right was forced to drop his jeans to show this passed-out guy that he is wearing his green silkies as underwear and it's ok.... |
Here's a real Ranger wearing his black nylon tricot Ranger Panties and there's nothing between them and his manhood. |
Sometimes you can just be walking down a hotel hallway with extra ugly carpeting and run into another guy wearing nothing on his body but some nylon tricot green silkies--sure would like to know what hotel that is.... |
Dude, I would silk the last drop of your sperm into that silky Ranger Panties if your would let me. I like the fact that they don't use "nylon" as a verb, but they can use the word "silk" to describe what can happen inside those silky shorts. |
Here is a guy who is ready to silk in his nylon tricot shorts. Spreading those legs and feeling his nylon silkies while showing right where his manhood is hanging--he's off to a really good start. Would love to see where his big DNA stain winds up after soaking through those 2 layers of nylon tricot.... |
I'd probably want to start out with the guy who is smart enough to already be feeling his nylon tricot shorts since he obviously is enjoying their silkiness--he has no idea how much more he could be enjoying them until I start on him. |
Superman seems to be the only who who is getting it here and seems to have the most to be getting it with. |
I had to cut out his machine gun carrying girlfriend, but I would really love to fill those tight silkies with the expanded version of his manhood and then leave a big silky pop load behind for him to explain what happened.... |
Sometimes a guy has to relieve himself inside his shorts in awkward locations, but his sperm load will dry fast in that silky nylon and just leave a slight DNA stain to show off his accomplishment. |
As fine a group of nylon tricot wearing green silkies that ever marched.... |
Sometimes a guy just has to make a recurring dream a reality and wake up covered in dozens of packages of nylon tricot green silkies--and apparently then has to post it on Facebook. Of course in my dream version those nylon tricot shorts would not be inside plastic bags, but directly on my dick....and popping those silkies directly. |
So this is what straight guys have to say about his post of covering himself with nylon green silkies. I have to agree with Michael Mangold except I DO know how I feel about it...... |
Love the nylon panty pics!
Love that you are man enough to admit it! Nylon tricot and nylon tricot panties were both created by men!
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