Monday, January 18, 2016

Men Who Get to Wear Mormon Nylon Tricot Underwear Get it. You Won't Get This Anywhere Else.....

 As many times as I've posted about the ultimate made for a man nylon tricot underwear, that would be the Mormon one piece nylon tricot garment, I never thought about the fact that most of you have never seen, felt, or worn one and that they probably aren't exactly the sexiest looking nylon underwear you've ever seen either.  It's not like you can go to Macy's and find them on sale or even buy one on eBay.  Along with Nazi memorabilia, the Church has also banned the sale of their garments on eBay and they are only sold in their distribution centers or online--and you need a temple recommend to buy one in either location.  I suppose to the uninitiated (or not endowed according to the church) there is some mystery or "forbidden" quality about them.  I'm not about to explain or justify or defend anything about them except to say seeing a guy wearing a one piece nylon onesie is hot!

When Mitt Romney was running for president and rather naively wore his garment under his white shirt as he would normally do every day, being able to see the scoop neck (or "happy face") of his garment through his shirt (a standard sign for other Mormons to know, as well), he took a heavy hit for doing so.   It started all that "Magical Mormon Underwear" stuff that eventually forced the Church to let up on some of the secrecy regarding wearing garments.  There is a video on youtube where they explain that it's like other religions that require members or clergy to wear certain types of religious clothing.  Of course they don't say that the Mormon Church requires it of their members and to wear them 24/7.  It also doesn't say that only "endowed" Mormons who meet their stringent requirements are even allowed to purchase them.  Well, I have posted info about the garments in previous posts, the different materials and styles so you can look it up.

All nylon garments (one piece or two) have scoop necks--but not all scoop necks are nylon.  Sometimes in photos it's even hard to tell the nylon mesh garment from the nylon tricot garment since they are both nylon and are fairly sheer and even drape almost the same.  Anyway, trust me, you want the one-piece, nylon garment if you ever get a choice.  Also, the two piece nylon garment bottom now has a cotton panel on the inside of the NOTHING sacred even with Church underwear?? !!  ha ha  Well, you may not agree with much of what the Mormon Church believes, but you would believe in the nylon onesie for sure--and would not have to be told to wear it 24 / 7.  This time of year when it's colder for a few months, I often wear 2 at a time.

Probably the biggest complaint  about wearing g's is from women who have to wear their bra over the garment.  Since I have no interest in women or bras, that's not my problem.  One thing I do find kind of amazing and that is how the temple markings line up so perfectly with my nipples and navel.  I mean these aren't custom made for each person, but I'm not usually a big nipple guy--but I am when wearing one of these.  

The women's g's come in pink packages and the men's in blue--very original packaging.  While the nylon onesies I keep raving about are really marvels of underwear engineering and allow you to poop and pee without having to take them off, the cotton ones (not that I'd ever wear one) can be kind of cheaply made and with extra scratchy cotton as well.  Their nylon is more like the vintage nylon they used to make before Antron III made it more shiny and sleazy.  Another thing that is amazing, you can feel the nylon sliding around inside the package before you even take them out of the bag.  Like most nylon tricot, they will never be silkier than the first time you wear them.

This guy is not a Church member--but he certainly qualifies as "endowed" in my Book of Mormon.  Truthfully, i think he'd be a little happier in a size or 2 larger if he was going to wear them 24 / 7 and not just as his required maid's outfit in my house.  He obviously hasn't been jerked off iiside the 2 silky overlapping layers of the front crotch since he has inadvertently taken his cock out from force of habit.--or possibly lack of space?  Nope, if the Church wants you to wear them day and night, then your cock should also do the same and that includes ejaculation as well.  I wouldn't look for that rule to be added publicly any time soon, however.  They don't have to teach the missionaries that at MTC since it's pretty obvious what those 2 sliding nylon panels over your crotch are for.  They make it so easy to shoot your load into the garment where it stays until wash day.

Yes sir, as fine a male specimen inside a 100% nylon tricot garment as ever wore one.  His ejaculation would benefit from a larger size so that the erection covering double panel might actually do the job.  Those 2 lagers of nylon tricot that cover that crotch  slide VERY well and make it so easy for you or your partner or companion or Bishop to get you off probably even faster than you want then to.

Imagine dropping the soap wearing these in the shower?  That easy to open back door allowed for unencumbered toilet time or any incoming activity you might enjoy.  See what I mean about the fine engineering?  One handy household laundry tip, a spray bottle of Oxy-clean is very necessary since keeping that entry area clean on the garment is almost impossible.  A few squirts of spray (after you have taken them off, of course) will insure any organic stains will be gone after washing.  As always when washing nylon, use cold water, mild soap, and powdered oxyclean in the water as well as the spray.  Oh, one more tip, especially in tropical or humid climates, make sure you splash on some denatured alcohol on your ass (keep it out of your crack) and you won't have any issues with skin problems--just a nice smooth ass under your nice silky nylon tricot.

Stacheman is showing us the lycra garment (available only as a bottom but you can wear a nylon t-shirt with it just fine).    The lycra is good and certainly UA / Nike quality, but these look like they are just this side of strangulation.

This is the slightly baggier look you are used to seeing on a onesie .  While it may not look as sexy as the tighter version, trust me, they are more comfortable and easier to get off in when there is extra nylon to slide around with.

You can see the approved method of jerking off inside of them using the handy, erection covering double layer of silky, sliding nylon.  Do you think it's just a coincidence that those 2 layers are so much higher than your cock that is normally pointed down?

In case you wondered how to get into a onesie, you enter through the neck and pull up all that silky nylon over your body on its way up into place.  Yes, getting a semi while doing and feeling that is very common.  You can see the size of that nice double crotch mound waiting to handle all of your male needs when they come up.  It's ok, The Stachman never seems to smile, but I suspect he is smiling inside at the feel of that nylon traveling into place and I thank him for showing us how it's done.  That navel mark has a ways to go....

This site seems to suffer from a lack of nylon garments and seems to use more mesh.  Of course we have to suffer even more since they remove their garments almost immediately which goes against all of my nylon religious beliefs.  

I'm sure hoping he is wearing nylon and not the mesh kind.  Even with that partial cotton panel, his cock seems to be enjoying the action.  Leaving his garment on through complete ejaculation may not help him in Mormon heaven, but it will give his sperm a much better send off into it.

Seeing a guy's garment sticking out of his shorts--especially with the temple marking drives me absolutely crazy.  Of course these are the cotton / poly mesh and not silky, but still that scoop neck and a little garment  leg showing would make my day....

You can see the cotton panel on the left so sometimes you do have to take our your goods in order to apply some other form on nylon tricot to slide up and down your shaft.  I have several suggestions that all include 100% nylon tricot and will result in the same action.

Are there really any words I could add to improve on this nylon garment top......this has to be a first for me.  Between those nipples and his temple markings, he's going to need to be wearing nylon tricot or risk severe pain....

Not exactly the usual Mormon look, but considering what kind of garment he's wearing, I'm not complaining at all....

Wish they had a shot of that nylon scoop neck under his shirt.  Notice how his pants fall as soon as he opens them because of the silky nylon garment bottom.  Not to worry, my hands would only slide into place without any problem.

Yeah, he knows......

What he doesn't know is that MormonBoyz may require him to remove his nylon garments, but I'm telling him they stay on.  Let's get those temple markings back where they belong.  Hey, he's got an outie....

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