Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Easy to Post Wrestling Lycra GIFs with More Nylon Tricot Soon

Got a lot of nylon preaching and sermonizing out of my system last month and no time lately to post much more.  Wrestling GIFs are easy since I can't really do anything to enhance them and what's not to like about watching guys wearing lycra wrestling singlets--as long as they put their nylon tricot back on in the locker room.  Yeah, that would only be in my dreams.....

Looks like this award winning track guy wearing 100% nylon tricot wants to start out this posting.  He could just wear his entire outfit for underwear, for sleeping, and, of course, for having sex in.  I think the gloves could go, however.....

This guy just seems to like feeling his manparts and who can blame him.......

His hand just automatically goes to the same spot each time.  And what a spot!

There are guys who can shoot their load by just doing this.  I think he is surrounded by too much stimuli.....

This guy really needs to empty his tank soon before he wears that crotch out.

Some of these lycra singlets look pretty silky and this one seems like one of them

Love the stain that's already appearing on the front of of his singlet.  If he's already leaking, would love to see what kind of load he's ready to dump inside that silky singlet.
Really no place to hide while wearing that silkiness and what it causes.

Even though this sort of ground zero grabbing only lasts for a few seconds, it gets preserved as a lasting memory forever on the internet.  He sure doesn't seem to mind.....

These were some of the original Under Armour silky compression shorts that first came out.  Those double panels slid over each other and it was possible to get off in them--even easier if you had on a pair of nylon shorts sliding over them.  The stuff they are making now belongs on your car seats.

If I had ever been into jock straps and had seen this in Life Magazine as a little boy, I would have been turned on.  However, now I would rather turn on that cool radio on the shelf instead. 

Wonder if he got any points for his attempt at a 3 finger oil check?  Kind of hot the way he just keeps trying over and over again in this GIF.

We don't normally get to see such sheer singlets like this but he appears to be wearing a jock so it just could be an old picture.

I guess if you're going to get your back or neck broken, you might as well go with this last happy attempt at grabbing his goods.....

Too bad he can't get his hand turned around.....

I don't think anyone ever got off inside this uniform of tights and a singlet and then an upholstery fabric pair of shorts over everything.  However, these are almost identical briefs that were later made out of super silky nylon tricot first by Adolph Kiefer and then picked up by Ocean Champion supposedly for swimming but in reality super silky swimmer sex.  They even have that center seam on the inner brief and that same wide waistband with the drawstring.

It almost looks like he is trying to hold the other guy's hand on his crotch and why not?

Ok, more nylon tricot coming soon.......

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