Friday, May 12, 2017

Fun in your Nylon Mormon Garment--worth dyeing for!

Always feel a little guilty about describing the virtues of the Mormon Church created (Beehive Clothing) nylon underwear because it's not available to the general (non-Mormon) public.  Members are required to wear this underwear (available in several fabrics) as part of their endowment ceremony during their admission to the Church.  All of this information, as well as the ceremony, is available online and not my place to offer my opinion on their requirement.

However, the fact that one of their fabric choices happens to be the subject of this blog (nylon tricot), although they used to call it "Corban" which I think was their way of avoiding the actual name and the various (to some) negative connotations.  Once you have worn the nylon "onesie", any negative connotations will disappear.  I've done plenty of promoting of them in past postings over the years.

This is a link to a group that does sell Mormon garments (aka "g's") to the general public without needing a Temple Recommend--the Church issued permission to all things Mormon.  I have never seen them selling anything other than non-nylon tricot garments.  Don't be fooled by their nylon mesh.  From a distance they are sheer and drape like nylon tricot, but keep in mind that your kitchen scrubber is also made from nylon mesh.  I have noticed that others have found their own sources for them and I don't want to be in that business.  The fact that a Church uses underwear with sacred temple marks on it as a 24/7 requirement and manufactures a couple of super silky nylon tricot options, is perhaps the most consistent, longest running, yet most restrictive use of nylon tricot today.  All others (nylon Speedos, nylon panties, nylon green silkies, nylon clothing in general) have all faded away or ended completely.

Like many things made from nylon tricot, the selection of it can often be hidden in other "practicalities" such as drying fast, light weight, easy to take care of while the "real" reason of it's so fucking easy to get off in or makes you cock ejaculate more than any other form of sex goes without saying for those of us who know this to be true.

The classic "onesie" or one piece temple garment is the ultimate in Mormon garments if not the ultimate in erotic nylon underwear.  The completely unnecessary, tall crotch mound with 2 sliding layers of silky nylon tricot only exists to cover your erection with  a super easy way to empty your manhood into it.  Even the temple markings, particularly the compass and square, designed to amazingly find your nipples with great accuracy, have their own erotic sensuality.  The navel to some degree, and the right knee, not so much.

This is the absolute best picture ever shown  as to the "architecture" and function of the rear, butt flap, of the one piece garment.  I would guess that this is a brand new pair as the layers and seams all are pristine.

The primary use of the rear flap is to allow the garment to remain on your body while you sit on the toilet.  There is room to allow your cock to squeeze out of the same opening or you can always use the fly for urination.

Can your underwear do this?  For those requiring "rear access" (without removal) for any other reasons, these onesie garments provide as much or as little access as you require.

The Church has come up with other fabrics to remain "current"--even lycra!  This guy is in "Dry-lux" and I have also seen others called "Dry-silk."  You know, call it anything other than "super silky nylon tricot."

As I've complained about before, for some reason they make the nylon bottoms (of the 2 piece variety) with a cotton panel in them.  You can see it clearly here.  It is remindful of the rdiculous notion that double nylon tricot panty crotches caused yeast infections in women, but lining the crotch with cotton would prevent them.  As far as I could tell, all it did was prevent your balls from resting in double nylon tricot instead.
It's been my observation (and maybe my influence?) that Mormon Boyz is finally using more nylon tricot garments and fewer mesh and cotton fabrics.

Sometimes the sleeves of the garment top can show below a regular short sleeve t-shirt or shirt, but the beefy guy in charge obviously doesn't have that problem.  Totally possible to suck him off through the silky nylon tricot and just avoid that cotton crotch liner.

Imagine the possibilities with 4 guys (Mormon or not) getting off in their nylon garments.  Unfortunately on Mormon Boyz, they always get removed.  In my world, they always stay on and receive your liquid manhood as they were designed to do.

Did you know it's possible to dye Mormon nylon garments with regular Ritt dye?  The Church actually makes a green version for combat troops, but I've taken the concept a little further.  These silky garments are particularly suitable for wearing under nylon shorts and nylon t-shirts--even for work or otherwise messy environments.

When not in use for sex, the double nylon crotch is clearly visible above your nylon (or polyester) shorts as seen here.

Amazing how those temple markings can find their way to the spot.  Not normally a huge nipple fan, there is something about feeling that stitching right over my man-nipple that is a huge turn on.

The green dye was a little more spotty, but it still works.  The temple markings don't always find their mark, but are usually "right on".

Not entirely sure these are nylon, but then I  also don't know why anyone would feel the need to take their dick out their silky onesie when they have a perfectly good double layer of nylon tricot that just wants to get them off inside of their garment.

Frederick's of Hollywood?  No, just another earlier version of Mormon "easy access" to functioning body parts.  Actually, this version is more related to Edger Allen Poe than Frederick's.  I actually found a version of these with the ties in a Salvation Army about 15 years ago.  It was made from about the best nylon tricot I've ever felt.  I guess while in bed with your spouse, you simply untied whichever area was needed that night--of course you would leave the garment on.  Of course, in the case of nylon tricot garments, why would you want to take them off?

Ok, on some level I guess I could understand why you might want to try wearing the new lycra garment bottoms (they only make the lycra in bottoms), but why would you wear a cotton garment top?  I found the lycra bottom to be ill fitting and strangely cut, but then, as you know, I'm not a lycra fan.

At first you might make the same mistake, but these are actually mesh.  If you've ever wanted to have sex with a 3M scrubbie pad, these are for you.

Yes, it's very common for Mormons (especially missionaries) to wear nylon or polyester shorts to slide over their nylon bottoms.  Super hot when you get to see the nylon (or lycra) g's sticking out from under their silky shorts.  YES, they do slide under their shorts really well.

VERY RARE to see a guy wearing nylon tricot garments like this and showing off his goods inside his shorts.

Not sure why anyone would use their hand on their cock to shoot some of their sperm on to this pair of lycra garment bottoms, but here it is....

For me, this is like advertising a lunch menu....For the full meal, you have to turn this menu over and then dine within the silky onsie garment.  Again, notice the "architecture" of how these garments are rigged.  Someone really knew what they were doing.  Would loved to have been part of the research team that designed these, but I think they did pretty well without me.

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