Sunday, June 11, 2017

Men Wearing Their Silkies in Summer--and year round, too.

Here we are in another Pride month so I guess talking about prejudice is sort of appropriate.  Only I'm not talking about prejudice against the LGBTQ community, I'm talking about (what else) "nylon tricot prejudice", of course.  There is no larger group I can think of who are wearing, flaunting, or otherwise showing off wearing their silky nylon tricots in public than the U.S. Marine Corps.  Yes, it's a "Marine thing" as this cartoon states, but they are also aware of it perceiving the wearing of them as a gay thing, too.  The irony is that no gay man would go our in public wearing a pair of nylon tricot shorts--except maybe a diehard runner, but then, they'd probably be straight.  I don't think of the USMC as being in any way supportive of the gay community and one could say there is still a major prejudice against gays in general whether it's legal or not within their ranks.  As we know, some of the biggest gay haters are, in fact, covering up their own gay tendencies (in or out of the closet).  Yes, there is a sort of playful tongue in cheek reference to these men wearing their silkies in public--almost in defiance since the organization that made them wear them in the first place (USMC), has since rescinded that requirement.  And yet,  Marines consider their silkies to be "beloved" and continue to wear them for underwear or whatever other practical or sexual purposes that silky nylon tricot still holds over them.

Sorry, you aren't in nylon tricot or green silkies and those ARE "Marine things".  But you are kind of cute and I bet I could convert you once you get rid of that cotton you're wearing.....

With nylon tricot underwear for men a thing of the past (or at least not in any stores where a guy might "accidentally" buy a pair) and nylon Speedos equally banished (both nylon and lycra from the public by ridicule and nylon by swimmers except for "drag" suits, that only leaves the next largest segment worn, nylon tricot Mormon underwear--which is not available to the general public at all.  Glad to see guys are finding it out there on the internet--where all things are available to those who look enough.  While there is certainly less prejudice with "nylon made for men" (difficult as it may be to acquire), it has, I think, lost much of the association with women's underwear that it used to have.  This is partly due to the fact the most women no longer wear nylon tricot for underwear for some of the same reasons as men (availability) as well as the lingering Cotton Lobby's well placed  prejudice into peoples' minds regarding heat rashes, yeast infections, sweaty balls, etc.  The nylon industry does seem to be fighting back now by not calling the material nylon, hailing the "dries fast" properties, and my favorite, "wicks away moisture" which means your sweaty balls dry out sooner in nylon than in the required cotton boxer briefs.  Now, if they could only get back to the PRIMARY #1 quality of nylon and that is that the properly made nylon tricot will silk your cock into the biggest ejaculation you will ever have and provide hours of playful silking before and after that earthshaking event either alone or with a partner
So, tonight's sermon on prejudice is directed as much (or more) at anyone who is against the wearing, feeling, ejaculating, and otherwise use of silky nylon tricot for whatever preconceived  ideas they may have--gay or straight.  With the proper, silky nylon tricot doing what it does best on your body along with the proper techniques of using it, there is no reason why every man (and every boy) doesn't have a drawer full of it.  If saying, "If it's good enough for the USMC, it's good enough for me" isn't good enough for you, then you either need to get better nylon tricot or start paying more attention to this blog and worry less about what others are telling you.

Trust me, it's not just a "Marine thing" to those of us who know.

You want to argue with these dudes wearing nothing but their 100% nylon tricot green silkies?

Just so you know I do know the difference.....THIS IS GAY!  However, when you are wearing your nylon green silkies and you want to know what it feels like to rub and slide your butt against another guy who is also wearing them, this is the best way to satisfy that curiosity.  And, yes, it really does feel fantastic!  Unfortunately for these guys, it's taken a full trash bucket of beer bottles to get this far with their experimenting.

Speaking of gay, I don't know, seeing how far down your throat you can ram a banana doesn't seem to have any other practical reasons that I can think of.....

I don't think I've ever mentioned this before (or maybe I'm just coming out), but I really think I am an ass man.  Silky and nylon tricot covered as his is (BTW, I'm not seeing his panty line), I would only consider this a snack sized ass and would prefer more of a meal sized one.

If flaunting their nylon tricot green silkies isn't enough for you, the black versions being called "Ranger Panties" does seem to harken back to the days when women wore the nylon (on what?) whereas men had to cover their exterior, sensitive manly parts with scratchy cotton.  Unfortunately no one ever asked me, but I was able to discover this pleasurable fact by age 5.

I only occasionally show a repeat on purpose, but I don't really have any way of knowing and I doubt anyone can remember anyway.

Something I never had the courage to do back when guys could wear these to the supermarket (but something I wanted to do many times) is to just walk up to a guy and feel what kind of liner he had on inside his nylon shorts.  At one time, they all either had an equally silky nylon liner that looked like a panty or they had 2 layers of nylon front and back and no liner--with the concept that men would wear their own support.  I remember talking once with a clerk at the Running Room here who casually admitted that he liked to use a nylon panty under his jogging shorts--you know, just for practical reasons.....   Later, some companies started using creepy liners for their otherwise silky nylon shorts, so it makes perfect sense for one guy to reach into another's silky shorts to see what's holding in his goods.  Well, it does on this blog, anyway.....

I know, I know, but it does demonstrate why both guys would be much happier wearing their nylon tricot shorts (or whatevers).  Being able to slide their manhood across each other wearing silky nylon and then being able to feel each other's nylon covered asses (or shirts) is way more erotic than sticking to each other's skin.  Also, don't go just sticking your finger up a guy's hole like this too soon but I'll save my etiquette lecture for another time.

He's been in other pictures (how can you miss him) but wearing the biggest pair of green silkies and having enough room for all the fun I'm going to have with him wearing them, almost makes up for having that poor, dead animal on his head.

Absolutely cop a feel off that silky lycra shirt he's wearing since it's a pretty good indicator he's got on some nylon green silkies under his BDU pants.  If he doesn't, I'm sure he'd be glad to put on a pair of yours and get the silking going....

Sometimes companies add a stencil to their Soffee made green silkies and raise the price.  Your cock really doesn't care about the logo.

Another big pair for some big fun.  Don't fall for the "If they fit, get a size smaller" because you can risk damage to your male parts getting hard and you need some room to play and ejaculate inside them.  He's got the room.....

Just a regular marine hanging out and sticking out of his BDUs--oh yeah, check out the underwear--just happens to be the no longer issued but still bought and enjoyed Soffee nylon tricot green silkies.

Yeah, now we're talking some serious dinner.  Those shorts also look extra silky.  As a special feature of nylon tricot covering a guys private parts, is his own private scent that the nylon captures and continues to release until he does.....

Something I've never seen before...anywhere.  My first question would be, are those silkies able to slide over the panty hose he is wearing?  Is he expecting to find another guy who is also wearing them?  Well, I'd sure give it a try and see what happens.....

I know this is a repeat, but if his face looks like that just getting sunscreen put on his back, imagine what it will look like when his cock is getting ready to release the biggest load his nylon covered balls have ever produced top and center inside those super silkies he's wearing.  Great bunch of nylon green silkies on them.  

Possible repeat and the first guy is only wearing green colored shorts and not silkies, but this photo did remind me of opening a "Silkies Only" bar.  Of course they would also be available to purchase because the dress code would be strictly enforced.

Don't get to see too many green silkies crotches.  Unfortunately snacking between those thighs would be difficult on his kayak.

Big guys, big silkies, big loads.....  It's what nylon tricot is all about.

100% Marine wearing his 100% nylon tricot green silkies.  Would like to drain his tank down to 0% inside those shorts on him.

I haven't really come up with a punishment for guys who wear lycra (or worse, cotton) under their green silkies.  Being that mean to your male parts deserves something equally mean.  Maybe being forced to watch what happens to other guys who are smart enough to just wear their manhood inside their nylon silkies would be punishment enough?

The guys not wearing nylon tricot green silkies can go off with the Rot and I'll dine with the ones who are looking so good in their nylon silkies.  I would start out underneath that Pepsi holding guy's crotch first.....looks like he's ready for me.

Unusually large and curved bulge on the guy with the green silkies in front.  You don't usually get that big a bulge shape like that because the inner panty keeps things in place more.  You can see he has the liner inside is intact.  The guy behind him looks like he is wearing some lycra Under Armour briefs (WHY??!!) and has maybe tucked his green silkies into the back of them?  Although if the size of his boots is any indication, he may have a legitimate reason to restrain his beast inside his silkies.


  1. I saw a dude yesterday come in to my work wearing a meshy yellow training shirt (almost silky - but not silky enough) I remember early in your blog those drill instructors wearing those. The guy who came in was young and had a really nice build (muscular just not huge) and it clung to his chest in the right places - damn - it was a beautiful sight. Bet (hope) he wears silkies too.

  2. Yeah, I know what you mean about those training shirts not being silky enough--but still look great. Of course he is wearing his silkies for underwear. The training shirt was just a subtle way of advertising that fact! I'd like to think I'd have the courage to jokingly ask him, "You got your silkies on, too?"

  3. I'm an ass man myself - and I like your taste!

  4. Ha, ha, thanks! I guess I came out a little later in life on the ass awareness, but I've tried to make up for it!

  5. Love seeing VPL through silkies.


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