Saturday, February 10, 2018

Starting a New Year at the Beginning: Why Do Some Men Wear Nylon Tricot? PART ONE

It's been a busy year with not much time to write but maybe too much time to think about how some of us wound up hooked on nylon tricot as a 24/7 fetish, some who just enjoy it occasionally, and even some who are in the closet about it or pretend to actually hate it.  Kind of a broad topic that's all based on my opinions and experience so that makes it a little easier with no competition,

First, a little Mormon garment news.  A seller has managed to sell 2 different LDS only garments on eBay on a 7 day auction.  It's the first time I'm aware of eBay allowing a sale of garments since normally "sacred garments" rank right up their with Nazi memorabilia and items made from human body parts and being strictly forbidden for sale.  I know, strange combinations, but since the seller got over $100 for a cotton one piece (onesie) garment, there's hope more will be successfully sold and eventually start selling nylon (Corban) garments as well.  Wearing garments is probably the #1 on the list of "exmo's" most disliked practices, it would be hot if they sold them instead of burning of throwing them away. The church should be happy others would pay $100 to wear a pair even if they aren't aware of their significance to other Mormons.  The last 2 blog posts on g's did the most views of any previous so I know word is out there about them--although it might be because I haven't posted in so long.

I have posted before on the origins of my own nylon tricot fetish and speculated on others first encounters with nylon tricot and possibilities of how its silkiness infiltrated our lives to various degrees.  Even more than enjoying the silkiness of the fabric itself, some people are attracted to only certain clothing articles of nylon tricot such as briefs, panties, shorts, swimwear, certain jackets, etc.  Others, like myself, aren't that concerned about for whom or what the nylon tricot was originally intended, but are only concerned on the effect its silkiness has on my man parts and body in general.

As I have posted many times, I had the good fortune to have already a fully established nylon tricot fetish by age 5--however frustrating that was since it was hardly endorsed by my parents and I suffered the results of getting caught on many occasions.  No, they didn't also lead to any spanking fetishes later on!  My early exposure was also during the time when the absolute best, silkiest, and slidingest (not a word) nylon was being made.  However, at the time, I was only aware of nylon panties worn by my 2 sisters and mother and strangely not to their slips, nightgowns, or stockings as is common in many other boys starting down that slippery nylon road--ha ha.  I never had any interest in "dressing up" or other normal desires that trans or cd people cite as their earliest encounters.  I actually would have been perfectly happy with having my very own panty drawer with "required" boy's briefs on one side and "desired" girl's nylon panties (with the double nylon crotch) on the other side and been perfectly able to know the rules of being caught.  I remember wearing up to 5 pairs of panties at a time so I was obviously aware of the layers of sliding and how they felt on my 5 year old cock.  Orgasm was accomplished by folding one (or more) layers of the double nylon panty crotch over my hard penis and sliding the nylon using both hands in alternating motion until my semen-free ejaculation occurred.  I distinctly remember that the nylon crotch of the Van Raalte Panty was made so that the 2 layers already slid over each other and they were my preferred panty.  Ironically today they often sell on eBay for $250-$300 each so I was obviously already aware of quality nylon at a very early age.  However, I had no problem with Munsingwear brand Vassarette and Lorraine as the primary makers of my sexual ecstasy at this early age.  By the time I was 6, I was not only painfully aware of what happened when little boys were caught wearing nylon tricot, I was also aware of what other little boys wore for their own underwear.  At a time of all white briefs, I was already taking note of who wore JC Penney dash line waistbands or blue and yellow FOTL, green line Munsingwear, or Hanes briefs.  I was, of course, only supported visually by the JCP, Montgomery Ward, or Sears underwear sections with their airbrushed eunuchs, but at least the waistband and fly openings showed while I was able to (at times) enjoy my nylon panties that didn't seem to serve any other function to feel silky, slide over each other, and allow me to experience "that feeling" that would happen when I used them.  

I suspect that as perverse and obscene as this practice was considered by my parents and assumably society in general, at the time that a little boy would seek pleasure in nylon tricot panties instead of scratchy cotton briefs, this was actually a very common introduction to nylon tricot for many men who are still enjoying the feel of those sliding layers of silky nylon.  Other boys had to wait until later to experience their first silky nylon when the swim coach gave them their first  Ocean Champion or later, Speedo suit.  Still others with nylon tricot shorts and tanks, nylon shirts, and maybe even some lucky ones who got actual nylon tricot underwear for boys and avoid the beatings altogether!

I often wondered if I had been introduced to nylon tricot (in the same way or perhaps with already existing nylon swimwear or briefs) that my interest in nylon tricot might have been less than it remains.  I suppose for those boys who were exposed or tolerated in a less traumatic way, it could have worked out.  If anything, I had nylon "beaten into me" and was obviously willing to endure the punishment in order to enjoy the pleasure in my pre-puberty existence.  I also never understood why it was that girls (already aware that they had no exterior sex organs) got to wear multiple layers of nylon with panties, slips, etc. over basically "nothing" and boys had to wear scratchy boy briefs over their exterior boy parts.  Even more so, later, when swimmers could publicly wear what were basically 2 nylon panties that even slid over each other like panties did and it was ok.  And then they went back to their scratchy briefs and threw their wet suit in the bottom of their gym bag.

Something ingrained in me at an early age and with something I refer to as a "reverse fetish" with men wearing white cotton briefs / or boxer briefs, is the size of their fly opening or what I'd always called a "prick hole."  I remember the catalogs always referred to them as a "taped fly front opening" which was never a turn on for me.  To this day, guys with tiny prick holes look so ridiculous--bot that guys apparently use them at all.  The only time I use my prick hole is when I am wearing a nylon (what else?) onesie and there is waistband to lift my dick over and impossible to try and pull up one leg to gain access.  The trade off with the onesie, however, is the fact that the huge crotch is made of double sliding nylon which makes it very easy to get off into--especially if someone else is doing the getting.

While there is every reason to wear 2 (or more) layers of nylon tricot,I can only imagine incontinences to be the reason to what would amount to 4 layers of scratchy cotton on your poor manhood.

An example of someone who has no real attraction or interest in what they wear for underwear.  Men are supposed to wear cotton so here's a pile of it stuffed into a wire basket in a closet organizer.  This is a guy who rips off all his clothes to get naked before any sex starts.
Some Mormon boys are exposed to nylon tricot long before their temple endowment ceremony first allows them to begin wearing their sacred garment.  Imagine growing up watching your dad walking around and hanging out in his 100% nylon tricot underwear watching TV?  Before Mormon boys are endowed, they wear regular boys underwear--which, of course would be cotton boxer briefs or boxers.  In a complete reversal of my experience, "How come daddy gets to wear silky nylon tricot and I can't?"  I know of at least one Mormon guy who was already sneaking his dad's nylon garments and jerking off in them as a boy.  It was a time when anyone could buy them at their local JCP Penny store without the now required current temple recommend card.

Regarding this Millennial practice of shaving off ALL their pubic hair....kind of creepy in a sort of pre-pubic little boy sort of way.  I could endorse if the guy was wearing some really silky and/or sheer nylon tricot and wanted maximum exposure to the sliding nylon, but just naked and hairless, well, hope all the effort was worth it.

Sometimes introductions were made via general trend.  With the age of MTV that introduced the saggy, baggy look, "silk shorts" (actually polyester, but definitely silky) came into being.  They are still popular to those who liked them during puberty (for obvious reasons) and continue to wear and enjoy them today.  Still reasonably acceptable if for no other reasons they are shorts and no one under 30 would wear anything else--unfortunately in cotton.  

About the only thing one can say about wearing white cotton briefs now (especially with the large prick holes that Hanes and JCP briefs offer) is the ability to free his manhood and get some 100% nylon tricot layers sliding on his cock.  Hopefully with enough ejaculations and pleasure provided by the sliding nylon tricot activity, he will eventually push the cotton briefs to the back of his underwear drawer to make room for more nylon tricot on his way to wearing it 24/7 like a real man.

Always fantasizing on how to reintroduce nylon tricot to the male market not that it's been almost 40 years since the demise of nylon perpetrated by the cotton lobby against it.  Maybe some sort of combination of cotton and then a few layers of nylon tricot where it counts?

Poor guy would be so much happier in that same position pushing against 2 or 3 sliding layers of nylon tricot that would result in emptying his load into them

Media is another reinforcement of male conditioning requiring they prove their masculinity by wearing cotton underwear with prick holes and wide waistbands.  Well, this is still better than the usual pale blue boxer shorts.....

While not the same monetary appreciation of what vintage nylon tricot panties can bring, obviously some guys are still into them..... 

I think we can assume women are not paying these kind of prices for these vintage panties.  Keep in mind that cotton crotches started invading these silkies in the mid-70's and at a time when the nylon started becoming shinier and sleazier.  I am lucky enough to have acquired a sizeable collection before having to pay these prices (ok, maybe a couple of $300 Van Raaltes) but when you feel what 5-7 of these can feel like sliding or even a pair over 2 nylon speedos or over a nylon garment--well, the variations are almost endless.

Another end of an era is underway and that is the disappearance of silky polyester / nylon basketball shorts.  In particular were the fine nylon mesh shorts that had a silky polyester liner and slid really well as this jock has obviously discovered.  For him, I'll bet I could get his full load shot into them upfront and center in under a minute--but would prefer to stretch it out and let him enjoy the sliding much longer.

I do have to acknowledge our Euro Nylon Bros who were introduced to nylon at an early age with their playing of soccer or football.  Sadly. many players wear cotton bikini briefs under them, but nylon is always an option.  These soccer kits are so sexy and hot and while not actually made of nylon tricot, they are still hugely popular and I'd have no trouble getting a guy (or maybe the whole team?) to get off inside them.  Prices vary and group rates are available.....

Hot to think of the tens of thousands of men who pulled down their cotton underwear to slide into the military required nylon tricot silkies.  At first the requirement was just for PT, but even years after the requirement to wear their now beloved green silkies, they are enjoying a huge popularity and resurgence as seen in previous posts.  Referring to the black silky shorts as Ranger Panties clearly shows their tongue-in-cheek acknowledgement to what these nylon tricot shorts refer to.

Athlete or not, you don't need any reason to wear a nylon jogging short and matching tank top.  These 80's super silkies are still around and still do the same thing with the same results.  Have you shot in yours lately?

That rough, tough, macho, military connection to men wearing what is basically a nylon tricot panty under their nylon shorts without any issues.  You got a problem with that??!!  If he meets another dude wearing the same shorts and they start a little grinding session with their shorts and stiffening manhood, those shorts won't have any problems containing their loads.  Might even like to trade shorts after showering.

Sorry, the photo sort of cuts off the good parts, but not all green silkies are created equal and the guy on the left is enjoying his silkies while the one on the right is clearly showing off his inner panty that's holding his man parts inside 2 silky nylon tricot  layers.

More observations and nylon pics coming soon.....   Thanks to the 1 person who requested more!

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