Thursday, March 22, 2018

SOFFEE Nylon Tricot Shorts in 18 Colors and another Brand.....

I'm not promoting or profiting in any way, but a member sent me this link.  Soffee is showing 18 colors including that lime green color the guy in Qatar is wearing.  Because you are buying them from the original manufacturer, you know what you're getting.  Too bad we con't have enough buying power to get them to make a batch with the inner brief reversed so it would slide against the outer shorts.  Might double their business!  Always like reading the reviews of the people who bought them and their great "nylon discovery."

Viewer also recommended these shorts from International Jock.  They are polyester but said they are super silky and they really look it.  More costly by $10-15 than Soffee but if they slide, they are worth it.  Both give a discount on some orders.  Let me know what you think of you buy any.  There are so few sources of good nylon out there.,34139.html

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