These first 2 photos made me think about the differences and similarities of men's underwear collectors and men in nylon tricot (which may or may not include underwear). I actually had both "interests" going on by the time I was 6 or 7 years old. The nylon tricot was more attached to actually getting off on or in it since it had no connection to boys at the time and I liked it because it felt so good Nylon tricot actually had no attraction to girls or wanting to "dress up like mommy" either. I liked the way it felt on my 5 year old boy cock-- even the beatings when I'd get caught didn't do any good. Because the only erotic connection a 6 or 7 year old boy can make with other boys, at least when and where I was growing up, was catching a glimpse of their waistband. That was still considered an embarrassment to have your underwear seen. I was happy with just a quick shot of a waistband to know that Billy Joe wore JCP blue dash line briefs and David wore blue line FOTL briefs. I knew wearing nylon was a risk for me and would certainly never dare to wear one of my sister's panties to school. I remember having to have "rules" that I could only do it every other day and not on Sundays or Holidays--with rare exception. I do remember the overwhelming guilt I would have when I would reach my "single digit" age climax. However, the joy and pleasure of doing it always won out over the guilt after having done it. It wasn't really the guilt of having done it in "female" underwear--more just the guilt of having done it in the first. All my rules and regulations went out the window by the time I was 12 and started ejaculating sperm and soon after discovering that boys did get to wear the same kind of nylon tricot as girls in the form of nylon swimwear like Ocean Champions and Speedos.
Interesting the way that guys who are into underwear can be divided into "tighty whities" (some guys think it's tidy whities--which they may or may not be) and boxer briefs. There are even some boxer shorts guys, but that's one fetish I'll never understand. I have even found nylon tricot briefs in some of their photographic collections--almost as though they don't make the distinction between cotton and nylon. |
I think it's safe to say this guy is just into nylon tricot panties. The variation would be ANY kind of panty including cotton, lycra, satin. He's wearing a pair made by Soen, a Filipino brand that used double nylon tricot crotches well into the 90's and later. I guess the Cotton Lobby isn't as powerful in the Philippines. Enjoying nylon panties doesn't necessarily mean other female attire is involved. I'm pretty open to all forms of nylon tricot including shirts, pajamas, t-shirts, tanks, shorts, Mormon garments, etc. Like many fetishes. mine also includes the ejaculating into them but usually limited to those worn as underwear. It always seems a crime for anything I've worn on my cock for any length of time not to be ejaculated into before laundry. In some cases, that might be years in the case of vintage nylon, |
Yeah, once upon a time, ALL Speedos were 100% nylon tricot. The ones with the darker, cloth labels are from the late 60's which can still survive today. Vintage Speedos (and most nylon suits) didn't rely on elastic much. It can crumble and dry and the suit can still be worn and. of course, silked with. Each of these suits would have a white nylon front liner which would slide on the inside back of the suit. Anyway, these guys all look like they are enjoying theirs. |
I have shown this or a variation of it before. He's wearing a green DP (Dual Purpose) which was made by Jockey to be either swim wear or underwear--thus making it "legal" for a guy to wear nylon tricot all the time. I used to see guys wearing them at the gym as a jock. The nylon was really good silky nylon tricot and felt really good. For some reason they made the sizes way off. If you had a 32 inch waist, you would need a 36. I'm sure a lot of them had to be returned as a result. Always, better too big than too small with nylon tricot especially if sex is involved. There is another series with Mr. DP Green and a guy wearing a blue with white panels nylon Speedo. Of course, like all porn, the nylon must be removed and regular gay porn sex has to happen. |
Not sure what he is wearing but they are allowing a classic manbulge shape to occur. Nylon usually does it best. |
We've seen a lot of 1960's vintage nylon Ocean Champion suits on this blog. When I saw that this was 1961 BYU Hawaii's swim team, the thought of their nylon tricot garments hanging up in their locker while they slip into their double sliding nylon suits is really erotic for me. I've had this fantasy for years to sneak into a BYU team locker room during a game and go through to see how many are wearing garments--especially the nylon ones. |
There are a huge number of microfiber and other synthetic men's briefs out there now. Most are a variation of nylon and lycra and all claim to "Wick moisture" away from your sweaty body. All that means is that nylon gets wet and dries fast--something it's done since the beginning. Amazing how the Cotton Lobby created the many "nylon myths"--the most ridiculous being having 2 layers of silky nylon in the crotch of your underwear causing yeast infections if not death. I recently felt up some new briefs at at Target and the 2 layers slid in the front and it would be possible to get off into but the stupid fly and seams and thick elastic will all get in the way. |
Vintage something..not sure what they are, but he looks good in them and I hope even if they aren't nylon, it's just a step away. |
And now, a brief moment (pun intended) for all of those poor cocks that will be born, live, and die while never experiencing the joy of wearing, feeling, and ejaculation into silky, 100% nylon tricot in some form. Switching from diapers to cotton "training" pants, to little boy cotton briefs, to big boy and then men's cotton briefs before being cremated or embalmed possibly wearing cotton for all eternity is one of the saddest things out there. |
Can't remember if I posted this before, but Ocean Champion and Dolphin and even Speedo did make white nylon suits. Usually they included an extra layer of silkiness. |
For a lot of guys, the rear end of a pair of nylon tricot green silkies can be just as sexy as the front. |
Of course, this front would be hard to beat. Not really liking turning the waist band in like that, but that's minor. |
Yes, he is circumsised and that makes his cock even happier with the 2 silky layers of nylon tricot over it. |
Do you need a written invitation from him to enjoy his Ranger Panties? I think it's pretty self-evident he is extending that welcome and as long as you leave them on until he ejaculates into them (expect more than once). |
Men invented nylon and then nylon tricot. Men designed and invented nylon underwear for their women to wear and for them to enjoy supposedly while their women were wearing it. As we know, this created all sorts of issues, desires, and longings--and problems for some. The very basic issue is that his manhood is much happier in his plain, simple 100% nylon tricot that it could ever be in his black, cotton boxer briefs that society would prefer he wear to be a real man. Ha, ha, he's all real man. |
The best thing about wearing these silky briefs is the ease in which you can also ejaculate into them and continue to wear them. |
Man enough to choose what sort of briefs he wants to wear and enjoy. He doesn't need anyone's approval. |
This isn't for the usual interest. A hand on a cock jerking off. The approved and apparently preferred way that most guys get off. I don't think I've done this since childhood because nylon does it so much better. Since I'm cut like this, too, ignoring the most sensitive and pleasurable part seems like kind of waste. Even stopping your hand before it covers your head, the layers of silky nylon will gently cover and stimulate it in a way that any lube or hand or other device can. |
Someone took the time to embroider a little heart on his double nylon tricot crotch of his Jockey nylon briefs. Looks like maybe he added a nylon panel to the tank since it looks pretty tight even with it. |
Rex Racer wearing one of his many silky nylon tricot outfits. Nice of Aussiebum to bring back nylon tricot suits and tanks. |
As soon as these sweaty silkies dry out, they will be silky again and ready for action. |
If you think this is a sexy picture, it gets better when you realize they are wearing what appears to be the super silky Truwest nylon suits. It would be nice to think that all of their sperm was pumped into their (or the guy next to him) silky suits. |
Comfortable and silky on their own, but shorts are really nice over other nylon gear like nylon briefs or especially Mormon temple garments. |
Looks like only 1 is wearing his green silkies, but I'll be the other 2 have their own supply of green silkies as well as Ranger Panties that they wear on a regular basis. |
And in closing....there's kind of Silk Shorts Sub Culture within the silky world. These shorts are actually not silk, but polyester. Real silk i not as silky as these shorts. Unfortunately, "polyester" is still suffering from Post-Disco Trauma Syndrome (PDT for short) similar to "Nylon" so calling them "Silk" is ok especially when used as a verb, "I think I'll go silk now" meaning to slide the multiple layers up and down your shaft and ejaculate into them. Always hot to see the guys wearing 2 or 3 of them because it's obvious they know how good multiple layers feel. |
Who makes the large white panties in the 3 shots together near the middle of the post? I like em. No flowers, no bows, just nylon.
Beware of the "home made" ones on eBay. The quality varies widely. Vanity Fair, as far as I know, makes full size plain nylon panties but all commercially made ones will have a cotton crotch--which is fairly easy to cut out. JW would know better than I. They re out there--anyone else want to help him out?
Yeah Ebay hand made stuff usually not too good. The panties in question look commercial, and very nice.
Yes Vanity Fair and shadowline has the silkiest nylon Panties’s.
See my reply below
The guy in the Baby blue nylon boxers, is my straight friend who I use to photograph nylon shorts boxers, pajamas, for sales on e-commerce. glad to be part of this blog, have loved it for years.
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