Happy Nylon Tricot New Year! It's been awhile. Had some health issues, but back with some blog posts and some bad news and some potentially good news. The bad news is that tumblr. has gone "clean"--but only on a selective basis. I had never realized that 90% of my nylon tricot sources for photos were all tumblr. based accounts. They started warning that after December 17th of 2018 that any "adult" themed photos would be blocked. There was a huge "save tumblr." cry and petitions and threats, and complaints went out by the users. The reality is that it is a private company and there were really no holds on what people posted. Unfortunately, it's absolutely ridiculous what they arbitrarily allow and what they block now. In many ways, it looks like nothing has changed on tumblr.--guys are still ejaculating, fucking, sucking and occasional nylon tricot views are still available. However, I had a few shots of my legs with 2" of nylon garment showing deemed "Adult" and therefore pulled. I pressed the "appeal" button and one was put back, but I deleted the others. One showed about 1/2" of nylon of a garment leg and it was too much for tumblr. Anyway, it's pissed a lot of people off and they have either closed their accounts or gone to some other site. It took long enough for me to just go through the tumblr. sites as it was but chasing down a whole new batch of independents is not worth it to me. In the past 9 years I have produced a HUGE body of photos showing men with nylon tricot items and it is by far the biggest (and only) site on the internet devoted to nylon tricot so I guess I should just be glad that google has remained open-minded enough to allow this blog to continue.
Secondly, the good news is that I have had an email from someone who is openly selling corban / nylon garments on eBay. They are not cheap--in the $90 to $100 range for a one piece. I'm not aware of any other place you can buy them online unless you have access to someone with a current and valid Temple Recommend card. He said it was ok for me to put a link to his eBay account so maybe if enough people show interest, he might allow a Meninnylon Blog discount? Don't hold your breath. Not sure if he's gay or straight, but that's pretty much every Mormon male!
His seller name is "eddiewouldsell" He doesn't specify they are corban (Church's name for nylon tricot) but I read it on the package in the photo. MAKE SURE you are getting that fabric and not mesh or (Mormon heaven forbid, cotton!). So far he has not answered my question about sizes as he states he has sizes 32 to 50 in the one piece. Trust me, you want the one piece! Also, a little looser. He has ones with the zipper in them which I didn't know they were still making or perhaps these are older ones. In most cases, the older the nylon, the better it was so don't be put off by that. I don't know what his access to a Mormon Distribution Center is that would allow him to take orders for specific other styles like separate tops and bottom or mesh or whatever. He appears to be a devout Mormon but thinks that anyone who wants to wear or continue wearing garments should be allowed to. The Church does not allow that without a Temple Recommend Card that shows you are up to date with your tithing ("contriubutions"), "temple worthy," etc.
So for all of you who have asked me for years to send you some, this is your chance to get your own. It's cold enough here that I am currently wearing 2 corban one piece garments under some other nylon and almost sliding out of my chair as a result. Yeah, such a problem! I will comment on photos as long as I can, but I may require an ejaculation (or 2) rest period and will finish and post again soon. I can only resist my sliding nylon tricot for so long without dealing with it!
For some reason when nylon tricot men's underwear was being manufactured and sold, it was heavily marked to African- American men. It may have been part of the "super-fly" look of the late 60's early 70's or maybe they just thought black cocks deserved better treatment than white cocks in cotton? Keep in mind that back then most men's cotton briefs were in the $1 range with some being less and Jockeys a little more. So $2.50 apiece for nylon tricot wasn't cheap. Even top of the line Lorraine and Munsingwear Vassarette panties were only $1-1.50 a pair. Now paying 30 to 50 times more for a new pair in the package--but worth it for special occasions! I definitely "slid" in the new year! |
I know I have posted this before, but Munsingwear "Kangaroo Pouch" Tricolon nylon tricot briefs had the best nylon ever made for men--as were their pajamas and robes. However, you can clearly see the problems with these briefs. Clunky, interfering seams running both horizontally and vertically right through the primary "play area" and no double fabric anywhere to slide. With the wide waistband (like all men's nylon briefs) and those wide banded legs, any sort of sliding over a cock would also be clumsy. Your best net would just to leave them on and cock straight up and get a guy off just sliding your hand gently over the nylon or use an additional pair of something nylon tricot to slide as well. |
Guaranteed to make any ass look better with this slightly sheer, silky nylon tricot |
Newer label. Better older ones said "Run-proof Nylon Tricot" or "Tricolon." Also, older pairs not so shiny and sheer and super silky. Most Munsingwear nylon was super compatible both under or over other nylon for sliding purposes. Where there any other purposes? |
Who wouldn't have wanted a drawer full of these tanks in every color shown--they had more, too. Again, pushing towards the black guy--lucky dudes! No, that $3 price was not right back then, but the nylon was really silky. A little thin, but really silky. Wonder how many big, black cocks got to shoot massive loads into that silky nylon tricot? They avoid the word "silky" and just go with "smooth and comfortable." Too bad I wasn't around to work in their marketing department back then. Cotton underwear for men would be a thing of the past now, not nylon!
They also made nylon tricot briefs, but they had a strange cut and were a little flimsy / skimpy in design. I assume it's the same Kayser company that made Kayser nylon tricot panties--also excellent. Funny how all their attributes in their descriptions are all based on the "practical" reasons for owning them. Nothing about how easy they are to get off in or how good they feel on your man parts--you know, REAL reasons for buying them! |
I know I have published this before, but who can resist these lucky guys all wearing nothing but nylon tricot underwear. Keep in mind that most men back then were wearing white cotton briefs--this was really radical. Up to $3.50 now. |
Don't ever hesitate to buy "Bri nylon." BRItish nylon was used in Britain, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand for superior nylon tricot clothing--particularly the early nylon Speedos that came from those countries. Still sliding and doing their best to get off in 60 years later in some cases. Just make sure it is nylon tricot you are buying as even then nylon was being used in other ways and combinations. Yes, "L" stands for "Lucky" with these 3 guys! |
There is something about this guy that is so adorable. He only wears panties but unfortunately it's more about the panties than the nylon--often just scratchy lace or stretchy lycra. He also always wears a chastity "cage" over his cock. Yet another thing I don't understand. I understand chastity (well, not really) but I don't understand depriving your sensitive man parts from feeling the silkiness of nylon tricot. That's just mean! |
Maybe I should ride up on my white horse and rescue him and free his cock from his chastity prison and allow him to wear full size nylon tricot anything he wants to and live happily ever after? |
Love seeing that nice ass crack through his sheer panties and his man parts (trapped as they may be) hanging down in that doubly nylon panty crotch. |
That's right boys...line up and make sure your nylon tricot covered cocks are firmly pressed into the ass crack of the guy in front of you. First one to ejaculate into your Green Silkies panty liner wins. Actually, you'll all be winners when that happens. Especially like the guys who are copping a feel on the silky nylon shorts in front of them. Ok for the front guy to reach behind and pull the guy into his crack tighter. |
This is the 2nd time I've published this photo, but I think I should include it in every blog post....That is one happy, monster cock and his balls are happy in their double nylon panty crotch (better not be cotton lined). Will very little difficulty and all that play room, I would have him shooting a huge load into that silky nylon tricot in no time.....simplest way is to slide him into another similar panty (maybe a size larger) right over this one and start silking him..... |
This guy did a good job of silking himself and pumped a load into his silky nylon tricot panties. Why do panties work so well for silking (rhymes with milking) your cock? From a purely technical standpoint and not because they were technically made for women to turn on men, the elastic is thin and does not get in the way. There are no big seams and opening or lumps to get in the way. Once lined up properly with 2 or more layers sliding (may require a 2nd panty or more--my record is 8!), the nylon will do the work. All you have to do is move your hand (I use both in alternation) up and down your shaft. Even over your head, nylon doesn't overstimulate your sensitive cock head--at least not until your are shooting your load into the nylon tricot). When you are finished, your sperm is all neatly inside the silky nylon--ready to be used on your partner or allowed to dry quickly and used again on your own cock. Does it get any better than that? Well, yes it does, but that's in the advanced course that most of you probably aren't ready for..... |

Nice to know that this hot, rugged bunch of boot wearing masculine men are each wearing a nylon tricot panty under their silky shorts--the black ones even called Ranger Panties for those who are man enough to call them that. Wonder how many of them have worn them for underwear or to bed and experienced a "silky pop" when their cock just has to shoot its load inside their brief? |
One of the biggest mysteries of the universe....so many sites devoted to guys in nylon shorts, sometimes nylon tricot and sometimes not. But then you see their 2" waistband with Calvin Klein showing above and instantly know their sensitive man parts are pushing out against scratchy 100% cotton and not the silky nylon they are wearing on top. Surely they know how good the silky nylon feels....why would they even think of depriving their cock heads of feeling it or multiple sliding layers of it?? Well, the only answer I have ever come up with is that some guys get it and some guys don't. I hope that by ready this blog, you are one of the guys who do get it..... |

Another related mystery....it's pretty obvious this guy is into nylon, right? I mean he's wearing it, sliding it and is enjoying it. I didn't bother with the 4th GIF because it shows him taking his hand and grabbing his cock to ejaculate--no nylon involved at all. Imagine the shock to his manhood after who knows how long he's been sliding that silkiness up and down his shaft and then, BAM, just his hand? Any pre-cum is already in the nylon and now it's skin on skin with all that nylon just going to waste? I'd like to think he's just doing it for the camera and "the money shot" when we see his sperm ejaculating out of his cock head. Who doesn't like to see a big white load flying through the air? Ok, once in awhile.... Otherwise, I sure hope his cock is rewarded by getting to feel all that warm sticky load filling the silky material that has been rubbing so well up and down his shaft all this time. Let the naked hand grabbers have their pathetic fun, but give us the pleasure of knowing your load is where it wants to be filling layers of silky nylon tricot....please! |
Lots of sites showing guys in these sort of shiny nylon wind pants and puffy nylon jackets. I guess because guy can "legitimately" be seen wearing these on ski slopes and in general outdoors in winter. Sadly missing all this in Hawaii, but I don't know the protocol for sex with them. Do they leave them on for sex? Do they eventually remove them and just regular sucking and fucking, skin on skin? I can only imagine how good it must feel to slide your cock back and forth like they are doing. The sound that rubbing nylon makes when doing this. I would sure hope they do what they can to keep going and ejaculate into them. I can imagine it might get a bit warm with the jackets on, but, hey, that's the good thing about winter, right? |
I don't know, this guy kind of scars me a little bit, but I wouldn't run too far from those large, silky nylon tricot shorts he's feeling and what's inside them. I'd be happy to ejaculate him into them before I ran away, at least. |
How many seconds do you think a sperm drenched, 100% nylon tricot Aussiebum suit would last just hanging on a hook like this in a locker room--or even just my room? Tip on acquiring used nylon suits or underwear left in full view in any locker room or space when other people are around. Just casually be walking by, "accidentally" drop your towel over the intended target, look slightly embarrassed, pick up the towel making sure to grab the intended item with it, and casually keep walking. Always worked for me..... |
Lots of guys out there into wearing and shooting into their shiny shorts / basketball shorts. With the craze of of ejaculating into what you are wearing (even scratchy cotton Hanes briefs), there are quire a few who do it into their single layer basketball shorts. Shiny and silky as they may look when wearing, there is really nothing that special or silky about the part that is actually touching your cock. In fact, they are almost all polyester and not nylon at all. As you know, polyester can be almost as silky as nylon so that's really not an issue. The issue is how it makes your cock feel while you are wearing them or while you are silking or ejaculating into them. It is a thicker material than nylon tricot. So, again, my advice is to be wearing a pair of "silk" shorts (again, really thin polyester) that you can show off above the waistband of your basketball shorts and let us know you really do know what you are doing--which is hopefully making your outer shorts slide over your thin, silky inner shorts and making your cock very happy as it's about to reward us all with a big load through all that silkiness. That's what it's all about, right? Don't worry if your load doesn't come shooting through the fabric like a runaway freight train....just let it all shoot into whatever silkiness you are wearing an then you can always show us the results after. Hot to see your sperm at rest in your nylon, but hotter to know you got to enjoy the process of silking and ejaculating it all out, too! |
Last, but not least, is a guy who really does seem to get it. Layering nylon for it's best advantage is always good, but even more it shows that you are really into it and know how to use it. He had on a pair of shiny, silky basketball shorts that he could wear out anywhere in public. He's also wearing a pair of nylon tricot green silkies under them as underwear. Good boy--lots of guys do this. But he's got on either another pair of silkies or maybe some other nylon tricot layer (Speedo, panties, whatever) to show he really likes his nylon tricot. Hopefully some of those layers are sliding and helping him get off. Or, maybe he just wants to meet another nylon guy like him who gets what he's up to and will be wearing his own multiple layers of silkiness and they can explore each other's nylon tricot while they get off in it. Yeah, it's ok to trade whatever nylon layer you finally shoot into with your partner to wear to sleep or go home in. Hopefully he will add his own layer of sperm into yours and return them to you later--a true nylon gentleman!
Hey, I made it through the whole post without having to stop and unload in my nylon tricot, but the time has come for that to happen now....maybe you need to do the same? |
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Your posts are so sexy
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