Thursday, May 16, 2019

Last of the Silkies For A Bit

This is going to finish off my new files for nylon tricot silkies for awhile.  Don't worry, there are plenty of other new nylon pictures coming as time permits.  I never know if I should always make these mixed categories or not, but the largest single group of men wearing nylon today is definitely in the silkies category--especially now with more summer silkies marches coming up (see schedule posted earlier).  Otherwise that still leaves lifeguards in nylon suits, men in nylon underwear--including Mormons in corban garments (still being sold on eBay), and shiny shorts with other variations.

Starting today with what AREN'T silkies.  There is so little nylon tricot out there today and so a lot of misinformation about what it is.  Once when there was no lycra, no Supplex, no Tactel, no cheap antron or cotton lined crotches, there was just silky nylon tricot available.  Well, that's coming up on 40 years ago and that's about 2 generations of people raised without exposure or even a choice as to wear silky nylon tricot--well a few exceptions with  lifeguards and Mormons!

As I've said before, one of the great nylon mysteries is why the Navy SEALS ignored nylon tricot from the beginning.  Even the Navy used nylon tricot Ocean Champion suits for their swimming, lifesaving, and rescue training.  Something that could be worn 24/7, dry fast, and keep all those male members inside 2 layers of silky nylon that slid over each other sounds like a perfect  match for an elite tactical service group.  For some reason they chose these cotton/polyester suits that didn't have any sort of liner--nor did they wear jocks with them.  So instead of being able to allow their men to enjoy silky nylon during their training and missions, they forced them to wear these cotton shorts.

Well, at least his cockhead was spared the cotton since he's uncut, but think of the hundreds of thousands of cut guys stuck with this cotton poly mix.  Sometimes you'd see guys with a Speedo under their shorts, but I kind of guess this was frowned on and it seems like the Speedos were usually cotton so who cares....

As long as I'm being depressing yet informative, when someone in the military decided to eliminate the long history of their soldiers wearing nylon tricot green silkies and Ranger Panties for PT in favor of these might-as-well-be-cotton shorts made out of a form of nylon (not unlike upholstery fabric) called Tactel or Supplex, it actually backfired.  Instead of blindly following orders and ditching their 100% nylon tricot shorts in favor of these, they rebelled and started wearing their beloved silkies for everything except PT.  Don't underestimate the power of silky nylon tricot over scratchy cotton!  Here's plenty of proof......  Just remember, unless they are 100% silky nylon tricot, they are NOT silkies.  Further, do not deny your manhood the pleasure of feeling the silky nylon tricot by wearing cotton, lycra, or a jock between the 2.

Luckily, Soffee (the original and best) makes their shorts in all sizes and a large range of colors.  While green (as in green silkies) and black (as in Ranger Panties) are the most popular, all the colors are equally silky.  Lighter colors tend to be more revealing than darker, but there is no hiding your cock head if you are wearing them properly.  Properly is being proud of your manhood parts and showing them regardless of size or religion.

Don't fall for the saying "If they fit, go down 2 sizes".  Instead, think in terms of getting lucky and finding someone who wants to play with your silkies and your load shooting inside them is their target.  They need to get their hands around your member and get you off.  If not, you can do your own "silky pop" inside as a practice session for you to do the same for another lucky guy.  Remember, it's ok to trade silkies after your loads have been shot inside.  They will dry fast and you can later shoot your own load on top of his and trade back later.

A wife posted a picture of what she was giving her husband for Christmas.  I'm sure he has since acquired another dozen pair on his own.  Once upon a time, it was common to "borrow" or buy their own nylon tricot panties to wear under their jogging shorts.  It was more common that anyone would think.

Rare to still see the cock head in a crotch shot, but this guys has managed to pull it off.

Happy Manhood inside those nylon tricot shorts!

A proud man showing off wearing nothing but 100% silky nylon tricot on his body.  His man parts are safely tucked inside his inner silky panty and still manage to show through his outer shorts.

In general, asses are greatly under represented in the world of nylon tricot wearing world.

Another great advantage of wearing silkies is their over all attraction.  I mean, would you look twice at this guy if he was in his "normal" required black or gray Hanes cotton boxer briefs?  Not me.  However, this could get him an invitation which would include just leaving his green silkies on under his pants (if he wasn't already going to anyway).  Nothing hotter than getting a guy home and already knowing there is some silky nylon tricot waiting for you when that zipper goes down!

In this particular case, these guys seem to be already advertising they are wearing silkies under their BDU's by showing off some nylon bikini panties over them.  Let's face it, these nylon silkies seem to cause guys to do some crazy things.....and we thank them for it.

Sometimes it's hard to improve on perfection, but when a guy slips in to a pair of nylon tricot silkies with a pretty good visible inner panty display like this, perfection just got a little bit better.

More nylon, more perfection.....  A little suspicious he might we wearing something under them, but his punishment would still result in the same happy ending.

Sometimes the twitter and instagram comments are worth it.  Trust me, nothing of off limits and guys notice everything.  Sexy nylon liner is right!

Another example of temporary nylon tricot insanity, but better from a can in a simulation than from his cock.

There is a bond between guys who wear their nylon tricot silkies together like this.  You'll often see Ranger Panties helping out green silkies.  Kind of distracting feeling a guy getting hard between your legs and feeling the nylon sliding in your butt crack....

For some reason, some silkies look silkier than others.  Maybe it's just because of what's inside them or maybe the nylon tricot just is.  Even though they don't make these so that the inner nylon panty slides under the outer short (if the panty was reversed they would) but the distraction would probably prove to be too much for most wearers.  It's ok, it's still easy to silky pop in them just feeling the nylon layers on your cock.

Sorry puppy, but Daddy and I have some business to take care of.  It involves him shooting his big man load into his green silkies and I will be responsible for making that happen.

I know these aren't nylon silkies, but he's so proud of what is sprouting from his nylon lined mesh shorts, I thought I would include it here anyway.  Not to worry, though.  Most of these mesh shorts on the outside have an solid, inner layer of nylon (or silky polyester) that will slide against the outer shorts.  You don't really want the kind of shorts that use 2 layers of mesh since it's sort of like a scrubbing pad.  He will easily get off inside them and from the firmness of his cock, it won't take him very long.

This was as much as I could improve this image--it didn't need much improvement!  It's in the next post in its original form.  Love the sheerness of his shorts.  His load will dry really fast and be ready for another one soon after he finishes pumping his into that silkiness.

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