Friday, March 20, 2020

New Beginnings After 10 Years of Blogging

     Hard to believe it's been 10 years (2009) since I started this blog as part therapy, part research, part educational, and part documentation of what little nylon tricot is actually out there--primarily in photographs.  Lots has changed in this 10 years as well, not the least of which is me!  I suspect in many of you as well--assuming that change didn't include leaving this world as so many have done in mine.
     Thanks to me, you have an amazing 10 year collection of primarily just men wearing or otherwise using nylon tricot--the fabric of my life and many of yours as well.  Take advantage of it as it represents literally weeks of my life in both finding and then processing these photos.  Time that I am really not interested in spending in the future.  Sadly, not as many as I would have hoped.  Even discovering that some of you thought lycra was somehow still nylon tricot or even just nylon.  What's 20% lycra anyway?  It's still mostly nylon, right?  Of course, what it is, created the end of an era yet one that is coming back in some interesting ways.  Not the least of which is that nylon tricot has basically disappeared for more than 30 years with the exception of Green Silkies / Ranger Panties (which have enjoyed a comeback of late) and Mormon Garments in the form of "Corban" since the name "nylon" is just too provocative for some.  The items that made up nylon tricot for decades, namely nylon panties / underwear and nylon Speedos have all but disappeared from the market.  It is now possible to be a swimmer your entire life and never see, wear, or feel nylon on your cock--same with panties, pajamas, or briefs as well.  During these "Dark Ages" there has sort of been a "cleansing" of the reputation that the Cotton Lobby created to destroy the nylon industry that had obviously cut into its business in the 60's and 70's.   The Disco, sleazy, shiny, slinky, yeast infecting, hot, sweaty, sticky labels they used to infect the minds of people (especially men) who were enjoying the virtues of feeling this silky fabric on themselves and/or their female counterparts were eventually defeated by the Cotton Lobby with words like natural, breathes, fresh, organic and other terms that were mostly borrowed from the granola and yogurt crowd who dumped their now embarrassing Disco Era fashion--even when it was hidden under their jeans.

     For many of us, that "nylon seed" was planted long before the Disco Era began and dates back to our earliest childhood days.  By far the most common was exposure to nylon tricot in the form of another female's nylon underwear.  A mother, sister, aunt, neighbor, girlfriend--it was out there.  It was there before we had any knowledge, much less interest, in the bodies it was intended for.  Ironically nylon was invented by men at the end of the 30's and then designed by men to cover or otherwise frame the objects of their sexual desire--the pussy or female sexual organ.  First major ystery of nylon tricot is how it became associated primarily for women with no exposed sexual organ and no way to really enjoy it.  Certainly sexually alluring and provocative on a body, but it would seem primarily to benefit the male observer and or feeler of said silky fabric.  I mean a guys got 4, 6, 8 or more inches of exposed sexual organ that is only going to get larger and harder as he comes in direct or even indirect contact with this fabric.  Touching it, sliding it, rubbing it feeling it besides just looking at it when held up to the light would certainly arouse any male gay or straight.  The fact that it was intended solely for a female and was otherwise off limits to the male and his own personal sexual enjoyment always seemed odd, if not unfair, to me.  I know I asked my mother by age 5 or 6 if they made nylon underwear for men or not.  I don't even remember her answer but had it been "yes", I'm sure I would have requested some.  In actuality, most of what little was made for men was often "ribbed" or with annoying raised edges almost designed to irritate rather than stimulate like the smooth and silky nylon tricot meant for women.  Men could feel and enjoy it, but it had to be on a women to do so.  Do we actually believe that was always the case?  So many of the movies of the late 40's or early 50's will show men as "lingerie salesmen."  Usually it was the rubber girdle for comic effect or maybe the sheer nightgown or robe for something sensual or provocative.  But of course, in reality, that would also have included the 100% nylon tricot, double crotch panty as well.

     The importance of this double nylon crotch plays an important part of my formative and earliest nylon exposure.  Some people may know directly where their "interest" or "exposure" came from that caused their fetish to originate.  The coaches jock strap, your sister's boyfriend's satin jacket, Dad's big bulge in his briefs while you hardly showed any, seeing the tops of a pair of nylons up a skirt.  Who knows, but not unlike an incurable virus that takes hold, it's there, it's not leaving, and it's only going to grow and there's not a whole lot you can do about it.  Obviously with a mother and 2 sisters who only wore nylon tricot panties, I was aware of their existence.  We had a community hamper for dirty clothes in the bathroom and clean clothes were hung on clothes lines in the basement in the winter and on outside lines in the summer,  They then magically appeared in your underwear drawer (2nd from the top) awaiting being selected again for wearing.  My first "testing of the waters" was at age 5 that I remember.  There may have been earlier explorations.  I could not understand why boys had to wear scratchy cotton briefs and girls got to wear silky nylon.  Certainly one of my earliest and most significant observations on the differences between boys and girls.  It had nothing to do with a penis vs. empty hole--although I don't think I even knew there was a hole--basically nothing there as far as I could tell.  I suspect there was a moment while a dozen or more pairs of all white, 100% nylon tricot panties hung over my head from a clothes line in the winter when I happened to be all alone that caused me to reach up and feel that double nylon tricot crotch.  Sliding the silky nylon between my fingers caused an immediate reaction--and a good one.  At some point a panty would have left that clothes line (not from an obvious place) or possibly out of a drawer or even possibly out of the dirty clothes hamper.  There I would learn an early lesson that nylon that had been worn was much silkier than nylon that was fresh from a clothes line or underwear drawer.  Soon learning, even better if I had done the wearing.  So at some point, I began to do the wearing.  This too enormous courage on my part, but the reward of folding this double panty crotch over  my then 5 year old penis resulted in a climactic pleasure that (after the condemning guilt eased up) created a lifelong feeling still enjoyed--with some modification once my cock greatly outgrew the panty crotch.  In fact, the guilt I would feel caused me to set rules that I could only do it MWF and sometimes Saturday and never on religious holidays.  Of course this was years before any ejaculate was produced so there was no worry about mom finding any tell tale signs or stains.  By the time of age 5 I had discovered the joys of wearing multiple layers and then rubbing multiple layers of silky nylon.  Another rule needed to be established and that was no more than 5 panties at a time.

To this day, just seeing the shape (often referred to as a "mushroom" on eBay is enough for an arousal from my cock head.  Of course this pertains only to the original double nylon crotches that were the norm until the cotton lobby claimed double nylon caused yeast infections.

Interesting the difference in feeling between the 2 layers of the panty crotch and the single layer of just the panty.  Of course this was solved by wearing more than 1 layer of nylon panties.  Obviously I noticed immediately how good having the nylon layers sliding on my body and in particular on my little boy cock as well   x

Interesting to note that sliding multiple layers of nylon over my cock while wearing multiple layers did not ever seem to take the place of directly rubbing the nylon on my cock using my 2 hands.  Decades later I would often be  jerked off by having layers of nylon being worn slid up and down my cock as a way to keep individual layers like Speedos, briefs, or panties "sliding off" (usually right when I was about to cum) and in desperation having to settle for a "hand job" rather than shooting into the silky nylon that had done all the work (and pleasure) up until that time,

Truthfully, as unintended as it may have been, the shape of the woman intended panty really worked out quite well for a man (or 5 year old boy) as often the exposed head of my sensitive circumsised and later the actual manhood of my scrotum were well protected by these 2 silky layers.  The thin elastic was enough to hold things in place and yet small enough not to interfere with rubbing duties in various combinations and methods.


I know I blogged this years ago, but since I'm starting over, here it is again.  My earliest (and truthfully only) contact with a female was when I was 5 and she was 3.  I guess my curiosity of what type of underwear she wore was the point rather thing to do with what was under our underwear .  pertaining to our bodies.  We each pulled down our pants to expose what we were wearing.  No surprise that she was also wearing her white nylon tricot panties as was I.  The only difference was I had a raging hard on, small as it was, under 5 layers of nylon panties.  I remember her asking "What's that?  I said. "Oh, just some skin" which seemed to satisfy her.  We pulled up our pants and eventually spent the next decade and a half in school together but nothing was ever said again about our nylon encounter.  Even then, I had no sexual arousal from that or that she was a girl.  It was just about the nylon.

Simple and silky in design with nothing to get in the way of the "playground" area in later years which included the entire front of unobstructed silky nylon tricot ready to make your cock feel good and eventually ejaculate into them.

I know sometime around this time, my carefree and naive panty wearing and playing days came to a halt.  I don't know if my mom found out and told my dad his first born son was wearing girls panties  (I suspect this was the case) or he found out on his own, bit it was not pleasant.  He had a terrible temper (I have since mostly controlled that inheritance) but I had the shit beaten out of me.  Luckily it was only the shit and not the nylon!  It may not have been the first time nd definitely not the last time, but if it did anything, the nylon was beaten INto me and certainly taught me to be more careful about being found out.  I often wonder (ok, more fantasized) that at this point in my life things had worked out differently.  Imagine opening that 2nd drawer down one day and finding stacks of mostly white 100% nylon tricot panties, some Munsingwear Hollywood Vassarette, and even a few special Van Raaltes with the extra huge double layered nylon crotch that slid over each other for good?  My scratchy cotton boys underwear would have ben pushed to the  back know that there would be some days I would have to wear them or at least put them on over my nylon panties for a sleepover or visit to the doctor.  I would eventually want to request more pairs since I would want to wear 2 or 3 pairs at a time which would always provide an assortment for "silking" which is what I called it when I slide the nylon over my cock.

While I never really cared if the panty had any lace decorations or appliques on them, they were, at least, usually an indication of a better quality nylon panty and therefore silkier.  Even at an early age I knew that panties from Sears or, worse, Montgomery Wards were not as silky as ones from Munsingwear or Lorraine and that the rare Van Raalte were still the best (and still are at $250-300 each on eBay).  I really could have paid for college if I had been allowed to stock up on Van Raalte panties!

As far as the actual design and decoration of panties, again, who was it really done for.  I always thought it was all about for the woman.  You know, making them feminine and girly and frou-frou which really didn't mean much to me.  I really was strictly about the nylon and the panties were it.  I didn't have any interest in slips or nightgowns or any of the "usual" dressing up we always read about wearing mommies shoes, etc.  Nope, just show me the nylon tricot panties and I was happy.  So getting back to the actual panty design, and the garter belts, and stockings, and slips, and negliges with all their lave panels and edgings and silky overlays....I am now convinced that they were all designed by and for men to enjoy LOOKING ONLY which, of course, we know didn't stop there especially when the woman wasn't around.  I'm not saying daddy put on mommy's underwear (well, certainly not MY dad!) but how many felt that silky nylon up or even rubbed their cocks with it.  SO MANY movies have scenes with the woman "seducing" her man with her nightgown or slip or all that lingerie stuff.  That really got guys going then--and now.  The forbidden nature of it all when they could catch a feel on their own when they were alone.  The lucky guys who found women who indulge their interest in nylon--well, usually considerably more than just the fabric but the whole feminine thing.  There are far more straight men who wear nylon lingerie than gay men but just see what happens to your association when they find out you are gay.  That's when it's all about the pussy and all that stuff--yuk, no interest in anything to do with the female anatomy, sorry.

It doesn't get much better than seeing a man's profile in some silky nylon tricot--Speedo or panty it's just as hot.  Maybe there's just a little of that straight male turn on in me that makes me just want to feel and cum in, on, and ejaculate the guy who is wearing them.  All that playing room, easy access for those of you who require it and even the ability to insert your own cock into these and add to his load.  Sliding your own or another pair over that bulge will ultimately result in more fun and pleasure in the same way it did when I was 5.  Sliding your cockhead back and forth on this Van Raalte crotch you will feel the 2 layers sliding over your head and may soon be shooting your load between his legs, his balls, and his hole.  Even better if you get to wear them later and feel his load dry between your own legs.

Van Raalte made the largest panty crotches out there and most of the time made them so the 2 layers slid over each other.  Perfect for sliding the head of your cock over the silkiest nylon ever made until you shoot into it.

So as I begin what may or may not last long enough for another 10 years of pictures of men in nylon tricot, I am less worried about being or sounding politically correct in my own nylon preferences.  They have changed and varied over the years--often modified because of the relationship I was in or what I worried about in my acceptance or discovery wearing what I felt was appropriate.  Once in a great while, there was somewhat of a "conversion."  You never really know if it's because of you or the other guy really does like it.  I mean, how can anyone NOT like it when you are silking their cock with multiple sliding layers of nylon.  They may even protest a little, but they're not going to stop you especially if you have included their ass hole, shaft, balls, and just a light touch over their cock heads.  As I have always said, "let the nylon do the work" and it will.  Meaning you don't have to squeeze too hard, just make sure the layers are sliding and doing their silkiest.  It's a sensation they can't really get any way else.  A guy I know described it as "dry lube."  Not too far off, certainly.  The silkiness of lube and none of the mess--unless you think a cockhead exploding into nylon is a mess?

My current nylon status is that I have been pretty much wearing exclusively Corban (100% nylon tricot), one piece Mormon garments since last summer.  Currently I have been wearing 2 at a time and seldom anymore clothing over them at home which has cut down on my laundry tremendously!  Of course if I do, you got it--more nylon as in a t-shirt or a nylon shirt or sometimes both.  Nylon pajama bottoms or nylon shorts also work.

As far as silking, that is still in the ever silky hands of the 100% nylon tricot panty.  Funny, though, I now allow myself more than 5 pairs at a time to silk with as I occasionally get a combination of layers that is actually too silky!  I know, how can that be?  ha ha  Well, too silky means that when I really get silking, if it's too silky the layers can sometimes slide off each other.  I often use 6 pairs and even up to 8 pairs if the humidity is low and I have gotten a good combination going.  I made a big discovery last summer for those of you who care....  I always knew that acetate-nylon slid really well against a Munsingwear / Vassarette panty.  I mean like SUPER silky.  I bought like 20 some pairs on a close out really cheap and then some double back pairs on another site.  Even the acetates alone in the right combination can be incredible.  I tend to let one top panty take all the hits now that I'm not really wearing them much any more.  Silking with panties while wearing 2 Mormon garments on top of nylon sheets--well, it doesn't get much better unless Brad Pitt or Daniel Craig want to come over to silk me off.  Yeah, not leaving the light on for them.  Some days I will still use a nylon Speedo, still wear some silkies, but right now I pretty much existing on garments and panties and my cock is very happy!  Hope yours is, too.  Will move on to another nylon item(s) in the next blog post.  While I seldom hear from any of you, FYI, silkies seem to be the most popular posts.  Don't forget to check out past blog posts.  I never knowingly repeat pics except when I'm trying to show something specific.  Stay safe with the virus....

1 comment:

  1. Don't get mad, but eww... certain undies, such as in this section look like granny panties or support underwear for big gals.

    But please note, I'm not putting down what others find sexy, etc.


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