Monday, July 27, 2020

Remember Me? A pre-blog message...

This is sort of a "pre-blog" posting without pictures.  After all these months, I actually had a hard time signing in and wound up agreeing to a monthly charge with to do so.  At least I HOPE it was google!  As I mention in the letter to someone who actually wrote to me (every few months it happens), I have managed to store up a huge amount of photos.  Dreading the photoshop fixing of all of them, but the 110 of you have gotten used to as good a photo I can provide--and since you don't know how bad some of them start out, I feel like I should continue my high standards here!  The joke is that these are the ONLY standards since this is the ONLY nylon blog out there.

After just sending this email, it occurred to me it summed up a lot of my thoughts about this whole nylon tricot "thing" I have been blessed / cursed with since age 5.  I would say far more blessed than cursed.  Those early beatings from dad over nylon probably did more to drive it IN to me than out of me looking back. Sorry, dad, but thanks!  Luckily it didn't come with any S&M nylon beatings to my otherwise "pure" nylon tricot interest.

My letter:

Thanks so much for writing.  I'm a little surprised at my reaction to this whole Covid thing since the reality is it has brought so much free time that I hadn't expected at all this year--especially after such a busy one last year.  But with 2 family tragedies, new health challenges, and too much time to think about things, truthfully, it hasn't been the best of times.  However, it has not prevented me from finding hundreds of photos that I need to post on the blog.  Many hundreds of hours to find hundreds of photos.  There is so little interest in this blog it's more of a constant reminder of how "out" nylon tricot has been rather than a reminder of how many people are still into it.  Many "remember" it fondly, but have long since succumbed to cotton, lycra, or the new "micro-fiber" fabrics that do almost everything that nylon tricot did except be silky enough to get you off in them.  I try not to complain too much about "the times" as it makes me sound like the cranky old man I said I'd never become!  Well, hopefully, so far so good on the "old"!  I have been mercifully spared the worst of it!
I'm always amazed when people do occasionally write and outline their early exposure to nylon at both how similar we all are and, at the same time, how different we are.   It's like, 1. The Same, 2. The Same, 3. The Same  4. Fork in Nylon Road.  5.  Similar.  6. Close.  7.  Not so close.  8. Bye.*   Ultimately, pretty much the same end result with varying degrees of nylon addiction!  I am still so surprised that I have the ONLY nylon tricot blog on this planet (hoping someday they will find Planet Nylon), when there are so many others devoted to men wearing panty hose (but with cotton CK briefs on), men wearing panties (but none of them nylon and, instead, scratchy lace half way up their butts) and even Mormon garments with the nylon / Corban ones being the least desired after the stretch cotton or mesh.  Further, now that a Speedo means the same as ANY "bikini" and virtually none of them 100% nylon except an accidental Aussiebum worn by a model who doesn't own it and hasn't even noticed the fabric.  Well, preaching to the choir again, but it's pretty pathetic.  For something (nylon tricot) that was at one time enjoyed, fashionable, accepted, and available by an entire generation or two, it has been ridiculed, banished, and otherwise disappeared for 30+ years.   Once there were sheets and bedding, shirts, socks, underwear, pajamas, shorts  and swimwear.  There are guys out there now who think that lycra IS nylon and who think the smaller the swimsuit or underwear is determines its sexiness rather than the actual fabric content.  I think people think I'm joking when I refer to most swimwear / Speedos today as made out of car upholstery fabric, but it's true!  And about as sexy as wearing it as well.... "Wow, look at the arm rest on that guy!"  

Well, maybe you have inspired me to post something on the blog.  These emails go to a site I don't check from one month to the next because there is usually nothing at all waiting from one month to the next.  Nice to see your comments today.

* Another observation on our "similarities" is based on the mis-concept that we are all the same in our nylon interest / fetish.  That is not the reality in virtually all cases.  Sometimes it is based on JUST nylon socks and nothing else.  Other times, it may be an intensity rather than one thing at all.   I naively thought finding these people out there would be when I (pre-internet) got up the courage to put an ad in the back of the Advocate (a major thing for me to do!) and had even gotten a secret p.o. box so I could make contact with all the other nylon men out there who were certain to be just like me!  That was not the case!  Some were just "yes men" who said yes to anything I liked.  Had I included sex with elephants, they would have loved the big trunks and floppy ears, too.  That's why I included my #1, #2, etc series above.  However, there was one guy in Wheeling, West Virginia I lost contact with and we seemed to be very similar in our tastes, but we lost contact.  Back then (early 90's), it was during AIDS and who knows what happened to most of them?  Personally, I think nylon saved me from AIDS.  Fucking without  a condom was further down the list of desires than ejaculating into a sliding pair of silky nylon jogging shorts--preferably just worn by my partner.  With the internet and world-wide exposure, my 110 Nylon Tricot members vs. a blog with 20,000+ "Big Bulge" seekers is very telling of our (non) popularity.  Even with my strong belief that I could "convert" anyone to nylon if given the chance (and a couple of glasses of wine), I'm not sure how that would work now!  Nylon Conversion Centers?  ha ha, only in Fantasyland!   Thinking this letter might be a good blog post!

Thanks for writing!

Aloha,  Dave


  1. Hey Dave -

    I love your blog - check it regularly. I live in 100% tricot 24x7, and there aren't many like us. Its sensual, sexual, and become part of our lives in a way.

    Thanks for putting in the time to do the blog.


  2. Yes! In a big way! Thanks so much for your comment.

  3. I was concerned about your well being since you had not posted since April. Glad to hear you are doing OK and have more great photos to bring to our little but important nylon fetish group. I have been buying up my usual quantity of nylon Aussiebums and now they make the nylon singlet in may colors. They will never be like Ocean Champion, but are the best for "silking" for now. Looking forward to your new postings! Be well. Jay in Maine

    1. Totally agree 100% nylon Tricot wearer 24/7.


Everyone should be able to leave a comment including anonymous. You can always email me directly.