Sunday, August 8, 2021

Quick Post: Russian Youth Wrestlers in Lycra Singlets


Came across hundreds of Russian young men on several YouTube videos.  Mostly disorganized mean, older Russians trying to check these guys in for wrestling.  Their thin, silky, ill-fitting lycra singlets and fairly revealing although some are wearing other lycra or even cotton briefs under them.

(may have to copy and paste)

Most of these guys can't keep their hands off their silky bulges and are constantly tugging, pulling, and shifting their man part.  They also don't have the same kind of attitude as American kids.

This is just one of them, but there are hours worth!  I did a lot of screen grabs, but as you know, I'm not a big lycra guy--although a lot of these (especially the Asics brand) are pretty thin and silky--and revealing.  They are all fairly grouped together or try "Russian Wrestling" in search.

Yes, there will be some BIG posts coming up, but I figured this might keep you busy for a bit until they come up.  This is a younger group (but not TOO YOUNG) and there are other vids that are older.  Some of these have the men all resembling each other even down to their beards.  Very glad I don't live near Russia.  

Try not to waste too much time.....I sure did.

One of the clearest and best outlines plus whatever he is also wearing underneath.

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