For those of us who thought the first nylon suits were created in Australia by Speedo--guess again. Right here in Chicago in 1948 by one of the most famous swimmers in history. Adolph Kiefer just died in May at the age of 98. His swimming accomplishments are legendary, but I will concentrate on his greatest invention, the nylon tricot swim suit. Here is the actual story in his own words. I think he is a little confused in talking about the different nylon fabrics available at the time since neither the stretch girdle fabric nor the nylon stocking fabric was the eventual winner--it was, what else, 100% nylon tricot--the same material being used for panties after nylon's availability after WWII. He even describes the fabric as only being available in white, but he was able to have it dyed into different team colors.
The Adolph Kiefer swimsuit was never a #1 hit (well, maybe at the beginning when nothing else was available). Their suits were always a little "dowdy"--although of excellent nylon tricot. Perhaps he discovered early and avoided it on purpose, that putting 2 layers of silky nylon tricot next to each other would slide and very easily stimulate the manhood of the wearer and ultimately reduce his streamlined appearance with the resulting large bulge between his legs. Anyway, in the many Adolph Kiefer suits I have acquired and ejaculated into over the years (including the vintage one I am wearing right now from the swim coach of the University of Minnesota), these suits always needed additional nylon over or under them to silk with and ejaculate into.
Two other companies, however, may have noticed this deficiency on the non-sliding layers (the inner brief under the outer brief) and made sure their suits did have this incredible feeling feature. Both the early Dolfin and particularly the Ocean Champion suits would literally start sliding right in your hands and between your fingers as they came out of the box when brand new. How many boys (who hadn't already discovered what the other female members of their family got to wear for underwear each day with their nylon tricot panties) got their first nylon tricot induced boner wearing a pair of these? It would be impossible for any boy or man to pick up one of these suits and not notice the sliding nylon even before they pulled down their white cotton briefs to put their nylon suit on. Guys automatically always want to adjust their goods when they first put them on--almost as if to make sure their manhood knows what's going on with that silky, sliding nylon. The longer they could go without getting them wet, the silkier they would feel. That's always why being able to acquire a coaches suit that might be worn for several hours a day and never get wet was the ultimate prize.
My actual tribute and gratitude to the inventor of this suit may seem a bit unconventional, it is, nonetheless, genuine and authentic. These nylon suits represented the first "legitimate" nylon tricot a boy could wear and not get the crap beat out of him for wearing the exact same material found in my sister's dresser drawer. From that time until now, these suits (and their Speedo cousins) have played an important part in my life--ok, more on dry land than in the water lately!
INVENTING THE NYLON SWIMSUIT described by the creator:
Here is an early ad for the best and silkiest nylon suit ever made..and $36 a DOZEN?! You can pay $36 for one non-silky boxer brief at Macy's. I doubt the Macy's brief will still be around in 50 years doing....anything unlike the 50+ year old Ocean Champion briefs that still turn up occasionally still in their original box and ready and willing to take your full load(s) with a minimum of effort. Remember my saying, "Let the nylon do the work." It will..... |
Amazing what you can find on Facebook when going through photos of former swimmers..... This photo is from 1960 and you are looking at 13 pre and post-pubic developed boys and a swim coach (I am sure under his cotton shorts) who are all wearing Ocean Champion suits from an era when they almost slid out of your hands when you first took them out of the box the coach handed to you--luckily a little larger than was good for your racing times, but more enjoyable when you were alone with them in a private space. Everyone of these guys pulled down their JCP or FTL or Hanes cotton briefs, hung them up in their locker and pulled out their silky nylon suit while it slid through their fingers from its own weight. |
It's always a little difficult to tell what color the vintage suits are in black and white, but the lightest color they made (besides the very rare white) was the gold color. Most of the other color values read darker in black and white. Feeling your head through the 2 silky, sliding layers of nylon is one of the first things any guy does regardless of his age. |
In this case, as suspected, it is the lighter gold color. From the era when both layers of Ocean Champion nylon slid over each other (which, sadly, ended during the 70's when all nylon wearing declined). A little difficult to see, but there is an inner brief slightly smaller than the outer one that moves / slides with just about every breath taken--even more when you are sliding the layers up and down your erection |
Adolph Kiefer nylon suits did not have a seam on the inner brief that ran down the front of the suit and therefore right over your uncut cock head. For some reason Dolfin, Ocean Champion, and other makers of the silky, sliding suits did have that seam. |
This has to be just about my most all time favorite nylon tricot double nylon suit ass ever taken. I won't even bother to count the reasons just is. |
Probably seen in previous lifeguard nylon suit postings, the modern double nylon suits no longer slide and will require some sort of extra layer(s) of nylon to get off into. |
A repeat, but it clearly shows the inner sliding liner on the far right (although most panel suits didn't slide for some reason), I can guarantee you those other guys had no problem sliding their silky layers and shooting their loads into their suits. |
For sure the guy on the left (who can't keep his hands from sliding the nylon layers together) has one on, not entirely sure what the nylon wearing guy on the right has on. |
You can clearly see the silky layers of the nylon suits about to get wet and therefore require drying out before ejaculation can begin..... |
Always common to see guys with their hands on their hips when wearing these suits--if at all possible. The slightest movement of their fingers will slide that silky nylon tricot and feel so good. |
Sadly, all of these now deceased basketball players are wearing a jock strap under their basketball shorts, but love the pose where the guys each (somewhat awkwardly) have their hands on the trunks of the guy in front of them. Just imagine if they were all wearing nylon tricot Ocean Champion and doing this? |
Another repeat that clearly shows these guys are both wearing super silky nylon sliding suits. I'm guessing they are both red nylon. |
Entire teams of guys wearing nothing but 2 sliding layers of silky nylon tricot. Way better self-control than I had..... Still can't get over $36 a dozen! I've paid for 2 dozen and gotten 1 on eBay! |
Funny how guys instinctively protect their crotch areas--from both physical harm as well as visual harm from a camera. Once in awhile you find some guys who spread those legs and let us see their manhood right inside those double nylon crotches. On the single layer striped suit with panel, his balls rest right above the crotch seam with his hole approximately 2 inches further down--ask me how I know..... |
A silky double nylon suit for every size--those 2 are definitely feeling those silky layers slide--impossible not to. |
They must have made those starting blocks in shop class. Going to get a splinter in their ass sitting down--better to just stand up and let your fingers rest on that silky, sliding nylon tricot you are wearing.....Hard to believe they would go back to the locker room and take those suits off, hang them up inside their locker, and then step into and pull up their 100% cotton briefs and leave their silky nylon hanging there--unless, of course, I came along with my wire coat hanger and snagged a few (or a dozen) of them for me to enjoy 24/7 for decades to come. |
Love to see that inner panty / brief confirmation that he's wearing one of those silky, sliding nylon tricot suits. Unfortunately he will have to wait until it dries (must wash out the chlorine, too) before he can silk a load into it. |
Whenever I see a guy with his hands in front of his crotch wearing these double nylon silky suits, I figure he's either gently sliding the silky nylon over his cockhead or he's hiding the boner that all of these guys have had at one time or other. Still, embarrassing when it happens, but hardly unusual. What do they expect when 2 layers of nylon tricot start moving over your man parts? Of course, the smart ones finish the job, shoot their loads into their suits, and shower off the evidence and get back to swimming. |
A repeat of a 50's Italian film star who obviously gets the whole Ocean Champion double nylon suit thing with his hands completely on the silky, sliding material. |
Proud of their trophies won wearing their nylon suits. Proud to show off the inner nylon tricot suit they get to enjoy. "Mom, I don't want to wear cotton briefs anymore, I just want to wear my swim suit." "Of course, son, they're only $36 a dozen, how many dozen would you like?" |
Leave it to Yale to have these suits less than 5 years after they were invented. Not sure how long it took Ocean Champion to come up with their own version, but obviously they did and became much bigger sellers than the Adolph Kiefer suit--do you think it was the 2 layers of sliding, silky nylon that did it? Guess we'll never know..... |
Funny how they never quite get it right, yes there was a silk shortage for parachutes, but nylon was also only used for wartime as well. Rayon was the only real synthetic fabric left for the public and even that was not that abundant. Funny how they avoid the word, "panty" and say "nylon girdles" instead. Would love to have been there that weekend they experimented on some of their swim team wearing one and then 2 nylon panties trying to figure out how to sew the first nylon tricot swim suit. It's probably then that A.K. decided not to face the nylon layers so they slid over each other because the models kept getting hard. I just bought what may have been the remains of their last nylon suits from their website. They probably only kept making them while their founder was still alive. Interesting to see the evolution from some Kiefer nylon suits that are probably 50 or more years old with the last ones they've made. Interesting they still used this little tag of nylon in the crotch to keep the inner liner / panty suit in place and not turn inside out. This actually does come in handy when using other layers of nylon over or under the suit when masturbating into it--ha, ha something they probably weren't thinking about then. No disrespect meant giving this amazing man credit on a nylon porn (I mean history) site, but if the nylon fits, wear it..... |
Another great post!
I would be lost without nylon!
I have been hooked on nylon since my first nylon Ocean suit from the 70's. I had a hot experience with an older guy who used my nylon covered ass as his personal hump toy. He work a loose suit and used my ass crack to slide his hard cock up and down until he blew his load. We did this numerous times and slowly transitioned into regular speedo buddies. I wish that would happen again with him buy he's long gone...
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