Normally pictures load alphabetically. That way I can organize them by just adding A's or B's in front of the picture name and have them show up in the order I'd planned. This is the 2nd time they have uploaded backwards. Does anyone out there care? Didn't think so.... I managed to drag a couple all the way up anyway.
I know I've mentioned this before but this is another angle....Once upon a time when every major manufacturer of men's underwear made their own line of 100% nylon tricot underwear for men, it was possible to occasionally see nylon underwear on men in various places. I trailed a guy on my bike once (he was about 18) who had a pair of red nylon Jockey briefs sticking above his jeans while riding hid bike. I was probably 24 or 25 at the time and probably looked younger than him anyway. Maybe my balls were bigger then or something, but within 2 hours, I owned those red nylon briefs! When we stopped at a light, I mentioned his red briefs showing above his waistband and asked him where he got them (like I didn't know). He was a military brat and he told me. Light change, start riding our bikes and talking about nylon underwear. I told him I wore them, too, but had even more nylon Speedos. Told him he could have a couple if he was interested. Wound up riding over to my apartment a few miles away. I showed him some of my collection and he liked the silky Speedos. I asked him if he wouldn't mind trading for his red nylon Jockey briefs no longer visible since he'd put his shirt on. He didn't even act surprised or shocked, just "Sure!" I gave him a couple of University of Minnesota swim team suits to try on (I had tons in those days from my frequent raids on their hopelessly inadequate security). I think he probably went into the bathroom to try on the suits, picked out a couple, and gave me his briefs when he came out. I don't think there was any sex with this encounter. I guess I probably didn't want to risk not getting his underwear vs. him rejecting me for the come-on. I don't remember ever seeing him again, but I've still got his nylon briefs--just happen to be in the collection sitting on my bed right now which prompted this memory. They're still really silky. There are actually quite a few experiences like this.
Anyway, what I was getting at, is that running into nylon underwear or even nylon Speedos (the only kind they made) as underwear, wasn't all that uncommon. Guys would often buy a pair or 2 (maybe even "accidentally") or their girlfriends did (with mock protesting, "these are just like my chic's panties!!") Whatever the reasons for the acquisition, they existed just about everywhere and were worn. All of that ended 1975-80 during The Great Nylon Purge when the cotton lobby convinced everyone that nylon was unhealthy (ironically for the same reasons why it's considered healthy--drying fast and "wicking moisture" away from your body"). It's connection to Disco sealed its fate and it was off the market for 30 plus years is almost all forms. So I guess it's not a huge surprise that a company that began reproducing the classic nylon tricot suits of the 60's and 70's would also enter the underwear market. Missing their chance at nylon tricot, they went straight to cotton as shown below. Australia has a long history of their men wearing the bikini brief. Their underwear seems to be a compromise but certainly way less than boxer briefs or even regular briefs--some of which are referred to as "tighty whities" although I have also seen "tidy whities"!
If for no other reason cotton underwear for men (and many women) has become the default material for all underwear and "sexy men's underwear" is based more on the color or waistband pattern / name, they are always 100% cotton. Most have the required (what I call) prick hole, often too small to even be considered useful, some just a package holder with some intended bulge enhancement. Again, cotton. I did look up Aussiebum's other underwear and they do have some they are calling 90% nylon and 10% lycra. Don't bother looking, it falls under the tactel / supplex kind which is like wearing underwear made from car upholstery. You will not be getting off (nor is there room) in any of their briefs. Still, gotta give them credit for at least getting these nylon suits out there.

Yes, a suit can be too small. No matter how small their dicks might be, it would be very difficult to get these guys off in them. I would suggest just using them around the house for decoration and letting them pose in doorways or seductively by the pool but to expect to add some additional nylon tricot when you finally get down to business. You can tell these are old pictures because any millennial would be horrified to see pubic hair showing like this. Much better to have the pre-pubic, plucked chicken look with all the raised pores than anything masculine or manly. Why, no, of course I don't have any hair on my balls, but maybe someday....
I always thought this was about the sexiest of their nylon suits. I think this is the Portsea if I'm not mistaken. I mean if you can't hear this cock begging to shoot its load into this 100% nylon tricot silky suit, please turn in your nylon card. Why do I think these models are really thinking about what they're going to serve for lunch today?
This guy is real. I had to crop out a lot of his paintings / water colors behind him but he looks like he practices what he preaches. I wonder if he'd mind if I unloaded the contents of his balls right into his silky suit right there in his studio?
Like we needed that treasure trail to find his treasure. Might be more trouble than it's worth to get him off inside that too small nylon suit, but where there is a will there is a way....Oh, his name IS Will? There are many ways, Will, and I'm going to teach you every one of them. I brought plenty more silky nylon suits for the lots of ways. Is it just me or is that about as good as a body can get?
Not seeing their outside labels but if these aren't nylon Aussiebums, I'll take the blond one home with me.
This must either be a low budget shoot or maybe it's a selfie? I remember my mother saying "You look like a bag tied in the middle!" That's exactly what this guy looks like. First, he doesn't seem to have enough man material to push out the fabric in his crotch to take up some of those wrinkles. Second, he needs to slide that nylon along his tie to spread it out so it'snot so gathered. He's hot and so is the nylon suit, but this guy needs some help here....
Another super silky looking nylon tricot suit being wasted on another clueless pretty boy--sorry if I'm so opinionated. He looks pretty scared, for one thing. He's probably not shaved below but definitely trimmed, which I don't mind. Less chance of hair stuck in your teeth, but no problems if you just silk him off in his suit.
I don't know why sold suits always seem to be silkier than panels (#2) or patterns (#3) in nylon tricot, but I bet this guy would really like to have his nylon Aussiebum wrapped around his cock and being stroked up and down his shaft. Not quite sure what he's doing with his hands but he doesn't seem to be that interested in his suit. I think if I was marketing these nylon suits, seeing a hot guy resting all 10 of his fingers on the silky nylon is sending at least a subliminal message that he's enjoying his suit! Of course, I could sell even more if I did a video showing how to REALLY enjoy his nylon suit and why he should probably buy 2 or 3 more at the same time.
Aussiebum has generally done an excellent job of marketing to their demographic both in Australia and the USA. They have done MTV style underwear exchanges, fashion show kind of things, and of course always using hot guys so that you associate their sexy, silky suits with sexy guys--just like yourself. Of course, if they could introduce cotton underwear, they could also introduce lycra and none silky suits--none of which will be seen on this blog. They also managed to get their brand seen on major Australian beaches and with actual lifeguards wearing them. Possibly product placement at no cost to the lucky wearer or as great shots like the one above with signage and logos. Very appealing marketing.
He must have been late for the shoot and got stuck wearing the cotton instead of all the silky nylon the other guys got to wear. Well, being last and least stuck in cotton, he will also be the last one out of the wardrobe tent. Maybe grabbing a handful of still warm, recently worn silky nylon Aussiebums to shove in his bag on his way out will make up for having to torture his cock with 100% scratchy cotton while all the other guys got to have on silky nylon tricot. Go back to his hotel, grab some grub and brewski and start playing with his new silky suits.